Roll Down the Mountain

It's getting dark at this time, standing on the viewing platform and looking down, you can see the whole of Sapporo. You can see the dim lights of thousands of houses, there is a thick layer of snow in the afternoon, and the place where the lights shine is full of snow, it's like being in a snow country.

Ichika whispered: "It's so beautiful."

Nino said: "It's really beautiful, it's only fair that some people say that if you haven't been to Hokkaido in winter, you haven't really gone to Hokkaido."

Miku: "We haven't been to Hokkaido in the summer."

Yotsuba took out his cell phone: "Take a photo, I don't know when we will come to Hokkaido next time, I will take a photo and upload it to the network disk for permanent storage."

Itsuki asked curiously: "It's so cold, if the heating fails, will we freeze to death?"

Everyone admires the snowy night scenery, only you wonder if you will freeze to death, your brain circuit is so weird!

"Actually no." Naoki answered earnestly.

"Eh?" Itsuki asked. "Why not?"

"The heater is broken, and there is a kotatsu."

"What if the kotatsu breaks too?"

"It can also hold a hot water bag."

"What if there is no electricity to boil hot water?"

With so many problems, you have to freeze people to death to make peace!

Humans are not as fragile as you think. As long as people weren't stupid, people would know how to wear more clothes in cold weather to stay warm. Even though Hokkaido is cold, it won't freeze to death!

"It hurts."

A mournful cry suddenly sounded.

Naoki turned to look at the Yotsuba.

"Cold hurts." Yotsuba quickly packed up the cell phone, and put on the black gloves, "It feels like my fingers are going to freeze."

"How can it be this cold?" Nino took off his gloves hesitantly, "I'll try."

Nino took out his cell phone and took a picture of the night view.

A gust of cold wind blew, Nino's expression changed slightly, she still took a photo, put down the mobile phone, and said indifferently:

"It's just a little cold, not as exaggerated as you say... You'll know once you try it."

Naoki looked at Nino.

It's okay for you to suffer from the cold, but you deliberately framed your sister, doesn't your conscience hurt?

"Do not talk."

Nino gave a warning.

It was agreed that everyone would advance and retreat together, how could only she and the Yotsuba suffer from the cold?

Of course to experience the most original Hokkaido together!

"Let me try."

Itsuki didn't think too much, took off his gloves and handed them to Naoki, took out his cell phone to take a picture of the night view.

After a while.

Itsuki who thought she wasn't afraid of the cold, was quickly defeated in the severe cold of Hokkaido and quickly put away his cell phone.

Followed by Ichika, after taking the photo, she turned towards Miku, and said with a smile:

"It really isn't cold, Miku, quickly take a photo."

Miku's expression was indifferent: "I don't want to take pictures."

"It would be a shame not to photograph such a beautiful snowy night view, wouldn't it?"

Miku calmed down and said, "It would be nice to have the photos you took."

"Cough cough." Yotsuba coughed. "It's more satisfying to take photos yourself."

Miku: "I don't need a sense of accomplishment."

Itsuki said earnestly "It really isn't cold, Miku, give it a try."

"Do you think I'm stupid? It's obviously very cold, okay?"

Miku complained in distaste, but she couldn't hold everyone back anyway. She took off his gloves and took a few photos, then quickly put them on.

It's decided!

Except for sleeping, gloves must not be removed at any other time!

The bone-chilling wind had only existed in books before, but now that she had come to Hokkaido, Miku finally noticed the chill. In just two minutes, his finger bones tingled.

"I heard that in Siberia, people's ears often freeze." Yotsuba were curious. "I feel like Hokkaido is similar, everyone wears hats and be careful of their ears."

"Asakawa-kun~" Ichika smiled and turned his head, "We've all finished taking pictures, it's your turn."

"That's right." Nino put his hand in front of his chest, "You're the one who just asked us to take a picture, and you don't mean well."

Naoki sighed: "May I refuse?"


"Then I'm done."

Naoki picked up his phone and shook it lightly.

"Eh?" Yotsuba standing beside Naoki, heard the words and bowed, surprised, "When did you take Nino's picture?"

"It's me?"

Nino's heart moved, and she couldn't hold back his curiosity. She leaned close to Naoki and looked at the cell phone. It really is her. In the photo, she holds one hand on her waist and points forward with the other, her hair gently fluttering in the night breeze, looking lively and making people's hearts flutter.

Is she really that cute?

Why does she feel prettier after taking a shower?

"Taking photos of other people without their consent is classified as stealth shooting." Nino snorted softly, "I told you to take pictures of the scenery, why did you take pictures of me?"

"You stand on the bridge and look at the scenery, and the people who see the scenery see you upstairs." Naoki looked at Nino "The sight in my eyes is you."

Nino's heart beat faster, and the temperature on his face rose rapidly.

(Stupid Asakawa is getting good at coaxing girls, shouldn't he be studying Shoujo manga all the time?)

"Ah, there is also a photo of Miku."

Too bad after less than three seconds of happiness, Ichika came and swiped the phone screen with her finger.

"It's Miku."

Yotsuba exclaimed: "Miku is so cute."

Itsuki nodded in agreement: "It feels like it could be used as wallpaper."

Nino heard the words and couldn't help looking at the cell phone.

In the photo, Miku only has half a facial profile, the light is blurred, and the profile is perfect. Instead of looking at Sapporo under the mountain, she looked up at the sky, and his quiet and indifferent temperament was ready to emerge from the photo.

Nino immediately became unhappy.

This photo is definitely better than the photo.

"Now then, the photo of Itsuki, and the photo of me and the Yotsuba..."

Watching the photos go by, Nino's cheeks puffed up.

She thought it was just herself being photographed, but it was everyone else.

"Stupid Asakawa." Nino complained, "How many times have you taken pictures of girls before you had such great photography skills!"

"I don't." Naoki denies, "That's talent."

"No matter how talented you are, you still need to practice."

"Well, I'm curious." Ichika poked Naoki with her hand, and said with a smile, "Which photo would satisfy Asakawa-kun the most?"

"Hmm..." Naoki pondered for a moment, "Come here and ask this question yourself later."


At the same time, admit this to everyone, whether it's reality or manga, it's a bastard! If it weren't for society being ruled by law, he would have been beaten to death with a axe!

"A classmate came in a cable car." Miku whispered, "Let's quickly go skiing."

"Let's go skiing!"


They walked together to the lobby of the ski resort. As a mature ski resort, full ski equipment can be rented easily, and there is a special safety deposit box to store their belongings.

"There are lots of people."

"Everyone is here."

"Looks like it was ordered by us."

There weren't many people skiing at night, and everyone was rushing in crowds, it seemed to be a reservation. A group of girls got together excitedly, chirping, and it was a lot of fun.

"Asakawa-san, which should we choose, single plank or double plank?" Itsuki was a bit confused, "I heard single planks are better looking."

"Dont think to much." Naoki sighed, "Just choose skis obediently."

Single plank and double plank have their own advantages and disadvantages, and it is difficult to say which one is better than the other, but the difficulty of starting with single plank is slightly higher, while double plank is easier.

"Not happy." Itsuki puffed out his cheeks. "Your eyes seem to be looking at paramecium."

"Ichika and Yotsuba can choose single plank." Naoki said quickly "Nino, Miku and Itsuki, you three are playing sign board."

"Wait a moment." Nino looked suspiciously, "It's fine for Yotsuba to choose single board, why can Ichika also choose single board?"

Ichika stretched out her finger, and gently tapped her lips: "...Because I'm rich in experience?"

Miku was confused: "This is obviously your first time coming to Hokkaido, where is the experience?"

Ichika smiled and said, "This is a secret that can't be told."


Naoki rented a full set of skis, turned around and went to the locker room to change.

After the clothes were changed, neither of the Quintuplets were to be seen, and they were clearly still lingering behind.

Walking out of the lobby with snowboard in hand, Naoki happens to run into Furuhashi who is practicing skiing, surrounded by three girls.

The four eyes face each other.

Naoki sighed silently.

Being too popular is also troublesome.

The three Thorn Club girls and Furuhashi often act together, and they can be described as inseparable. One of the girls has experience skiing and guides Furuhashi hand in hand. Within a few meters of her body, no boy dared to come up and strike up a conversation.

Naoki isn't scared, but it's a shame that Furuhashi has thin skin and doesn't give it special treatment.

"Ricchan and Sawako are on the left." Furuhashi pointed at his eyes "I've always been worried about Ricchan, go and see, don't let Ricchan get hurt."


Naoki nodded, walked to the left while holding the snowboard, and soon found Ogata and Sekijou.

"Come on Rizu-san." Sekijou stood in front of Ogata and cheered, "This ski run is the easiest, lots of kids can ski, don't worry."

Ogata was short at first, and when she heard that she was going to be skiing in Hokkaido. Her father, worried about his daughter getting cold, bought a thick jacket, hat, scarf, and gloves, and she looked like she had turned into a little fat penguin.


Seeing Naoki approaching, Ogata breathed a sigh of relief, as if she had found a saving straw, she asked nervously:

"Will it hurt if I roll down the mountain?"

Do you know your destiny going down the mountain before you even start skiing?

"Don't worry, it won't hurt." Naoki consoled, "The snow in Hokkaido is all powder snow, which is the quality of snow most suitable for skiing."

The so-called snow powder refers to fine snow comparable to hot knife butter. When you open your hand and pour it into the snow, it's like falling onto cotton wool, and it won't hurt.

Ogata was still a little worried, with the skis tied to his feet, she took a step carefully: "I feel that the center of gravity is very unstable."

Of course, it is not stable. A few kilograms of fatty polymer cannot be held firmly. The greater the range of motion, the more shaking it will move away. Of course, the center of gravity will not be stable.

Naoki pondered and said: "You can let Sawako take you skiing first, and find out the feeling of the center of gravity."

"Asakawa's right." Sekijou's eyes lit up when she heard this, and she stretched out her right hand excitedly, "Rizu-san, leave it to me, as long as I don't fall, I will never let you fall. "

"No." Ogata raised his eyes and turned his head, "Asakawa-san asked me to go skiing."

A bolt of lightning struck.

The smile on Sekijou's face froze immediately.

Being disliked...

"I can only come alone."

Naoki shrugged at Sekijou, then took Ogata's hand.

"Do you think you've ever skied before? You won't fall for Rizu-san, right?" Sekijou quickly swallowed his complaints, approached the two of them, and said nervously, "Rizu-san is still wearing glasses, and it would be very dangerous if she fell. It's easy to get hurt, so you have to be careful."

Naoki activates repeater mode: "As long as I don't fall, I won't let Rizu fall."

Ogata raised his small face: "I believe in Asakawa-san."

Sekijou: "😐"


Not acceptable.

Obviously she knew her first, and she was the one who stayed with Ogata all day long, so why did she lose so easily!

"Take your time, don't be nervous."

"Start by extending your legs to shoulder height."

"Calm your body, don't get too tense, that's good…"

Naoki took Ogata's hand and started teaching her how to ski.

Ogata had unconditional trust in Naoki, and was worried about whether she would roll from the top of the mountain to the foot of the mountain, and if she accidentally fell, whether she would be hurt if she wore glasses, but now she was being led by Naoki, and she immediately felt relieved.

Sekijou could only follow beside her dejectedly.

So envious.

She really wants to hold Ogata's hand and go skiing together.

Sekijou hesitated, wanting to fight for his own happiness, and whispered, "Rizu-san, let me hold the other hand?"

Ogata, then suddenly directed his gaze, turned his head and said, "I don't want it."


Sekijou who was rejected twice in a row, almost fell to his knees.

"Holded by you together feels like a family of three, just like the family down there." Ogata said honestly, "So I refused."

Naoki looked down, the couple were slowly skiing with their children in their arms, and the little girl had the same short hair as Ogata... It would indeed be misunderstood as a family of three.

"Stop talking." Naoki looked at Sekijou "Let's go."


With Naoki around, of course they wouldn't fall, and the three of them glided down the beginner's course safely.

"How do you feel?" Naoki lowered his head and asked.

"The speed could be even faster." Ogata's face turned red, and full of interest, "Again."

The three of them got on the cable car and returned to the top of the mountain.

Just about to do it again, Naoki suddenly saw a girl roll over.
