Family visit by selling into slavery

Crowds of people came and went, strange streets flashing neon, a very familiar figure suddenly appeared.

Waist-length pink hair.

There is also a perfect profile with a cold expression, that is Mafuyu.


Naoki stopped and shouted.


Mafuyu, who was staring at the phone, heard the words, and after seeing Naoki, a look of surprise appeared on her pretty face: "Why are you here?"

"I just played at Yuika's house." Naoki explained casually while walking towards Mafuyu, "Sensei, why are you here when you don't come home from work?"

Mafuyu's answer is simple.

"Home visit."

Japanese high schools do have a system of home visits, but it's great for a cold-faced female teacher like you to come home for a home visit! This kind of thing should be left to a friendlier teacher!

"Let's go together." Naoki said bluntly: "I'm afraid Sensei is going alone."

Mafuyu was angry, "It's just a home visit, and there won't be any danger."

"Sensei's phone is out of battery, isn't it?" Naoki looked at the cell phone in Mafuyu's hand, "Sensei is not used to that place, and his ability to recognize the road is very bad, what if you get lost."

"I can still ask for directions when my phone runs out of battery." Mafuyu wrapped his right hand around his chest, "I'm not an elementary school student, how could I get lost."

"Asking for directions will cause trouble for others, why not ask me."

"I can still take a taxi back."

"Sensei, thrift is a virtue, please don't be extravagant."

Naturally, it was impossible to take a taxi. As the country with the most expensive taxi fares in the world, no one who dares to take a taxi in Japan is rich or in a pinch.

Mafuyu said in a weak voice: "You wait for me outside later."

Of course, there was no reason for a teacher to visit a student's home.

"Understand." Naoki agreed "Who is Sensei visiting the house?"

"You don't know her." Mafuyu shook his head, "That's Fujiwara who is in third grade. She usually gets good grades in school, but she suddenly didn't come to class two today. I sent a message to ask her, saying that she had decided to drop out of school to work..."

Speaking of this, Mafuyu's slender brows seemed to frown.

"She is going to take the national exam, and she actually quit school at this time and dropped out to work. I have to persuade her to come back and continue his studies."

Although people always complain about the "ice cold beauty who doesn't smile", but when it comes to the responsibility of teaching students, Mafuyu is actually second to none.

Naoki pondered and said: "Go and ask about the situation first."

There are three fateful events in life, college entrance exams, jobs, and marriage.

Less than a month left before the unified national exam. If students choose to drop out of school at this time, obviously to the point where they can't continue their studies, it's just persuasion, it is estimated that it will be difficult.


After a while.

The two walked towards the residential area.

"Here is the address listed in the registration information." Mafuyu looked around, "I don't know if anyone is home."

"Before Sensei came, didn't you make an appointment first?" Naoki turned to look at Mafuyu.

Mafuyu looked away feeling guilty.

"Wait." Naoki looked more and more wrong, and couldn't help but say, "Could it be that Sensei came here secretly?"

"Yesterday I called Fujiwara-san and said she would visit his house, but she refused and told me to leave her alone." Mafuyu took a breath, his eyes were firm and his expression serious, "As a Sensei, I can't do it."

Naoki stopped and pointed at an old house ahead "Is there?"

"That's the address." Mafuyu's eyes lit up, and she quickened his pace, "Let's go there."

From afar, a small yellow light flashed through the window of the house.

"There's someone in the house." Mafuyu couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief, "Looks like this trip was not in vain."

"What if the trip was in vain?"

"Then come back tomorrow."

Walking to the door, Mafuyu looked at Naoki, and said in a low voice, "I'm going to visit the house, you wait for me outside."


Naoki nodded, and was about to wait by the roadside, when he suddenly saw a car slowly parked across the street, followed by two middle-aged men, their eyes fixed, and they quickly held Mafuyu's right hand.

"What is wrong?"

Mafuyu was taken aback, and turned his head in confusion.

"The two men in black are likely going to Fujiwara-senpai's house as well." Naoki pointed with his eyes.

Following Naoki's gaze, Mafuyu also saw two men in suits approaching not far away, aiming at the Fujiwara family.

The two of them went straight to the door of Fujiwara's house, pressed the doorbell, and waited silently in front of the door.

"Who are they?" Mafuyu suddenly frowned.

The two men in suits clearly have tattoos on their wrists—those with tattoos in Japan are 100% members of the Yakuza, and tattoos of serious people cannot gain a foothold in society.

Naoki lightly squeezed Mafuyu's finger: "You will find out later."

Not long after, a thin girl with short stature opened the door, saw a man in a suit standing at the door, his already pale face looked a little paler.

"This is Fujiwara-san," said Mafuyu.

The two men in suits did not enter the room, and stood at the door and said a few words to the girl, seeing the girl's eyes suddenly dim, as if she had lost her energy, she locked the door, then followed behind the two men in suits, walking toward a black car parked on the side of the road.

"We can't wait any longer." Mafuyu's face froze and said with a serious expression, "Let's go."

"Wait a moment."

After crossing the road, Mafuyu immediately shouted.

The three people who heard the screams stopped one after another, and Fujiwara turned to look. After seeing Mafuyu, his face showed extreme shock, nervousness, and embarrassment.

"Kirisu sensei… why are you here…"

Mafuyu stepped forward quickly, grabbed Fujiwara's wrist, and pulled the girl behind her, with a dignified expression: "May I ask who you are, and where do you want to take Fujiwara-san?"

Naoki walked casually and stood beside Mafuyu, he didn't need to speak now.

The two men in suits looked at each other, and after knowing that Mafuyu was a teacher, they were quite polite: "We are employees of a financial company..."

Naoki understood it as soon as he heard it. Seeing the tattoos of the two of them, he knew it wasn't a serious financial company.

Having said that, there was only one truth left... These two men in suits were debt collectors from a loan company.

Japan has had a so-called "gold borrowing culture" since ancient times. For example, during the Edo period, there was a saying that Edo people did not save money overnight. At that time, samurai culture prevailed. Men should be 'drunk today', what should one do if one has no money?

Borrowing money.

What to do if you can't borrow it?

No money, no life.

Or simply assholes.

What to do if the loan is past due and cannot be repaid?

Obviously, the debt could only be repaid with the girl's most prized possession.

Of course, the two men in suits didn't speak frankly, they just asked Fujiwara to work... They knew it wasn't a serious job.

Mafuyu's face changed slightly. She really didn't expect that Fujiwara's reason for not coming to class was related to borrowing money, she looked at the quiet girl who was looking down at her toes, took a deep breath and said:

"How much does Fujiwara-san owe you?"

"Kirisu sensei, please, please leave me alone." Hearing these words, Fujiwara suddenly became agitated and wanted to get away from Mafuyu's right hand, "This is my own business, I am responsible for it... please leave it alone to me."

Naoki turned his head, when the girl spoke, her body was obviously trembling, it seemed that she just didn't want to drag others.

"I believe in Fujiwara-san." Mafuyu turned his head and looked seriously, "So I'll explain later, and you'll leave it to Sensei to deal with it now."

The two men in suits looked at each other, and one of them said:

"The Fujiwara family's loans plus interest in arrears currently total 4.95 million yen."

"So many?" Mafuyu opened her eyes wide.

How could an ordinary high school student borrow so much money?

"That's right." A man in a suit explained, "Most of the money was borrowed by Fujiwara's older brother."

The man in the suit glanced at the girl with his head down, and began to explain the cause and effect of the incident.

Fujiwara has an older brother named Fujiwara Ryosuke who is a university student. After entering college, he met a girlfriend, and his spending suddenly increased, and his personality was extremely vain, so he embarked on a path of no return to borrowing money.

But for all student loans, the real target is not the students, but the families behind them.

Once it got to the point where they couldn't pay them back, most college students instinctively told their families.

There are three people in the Fujiwara family. His father died early, and his mother raised the two children alone. The previous loan was not repaid. Fujiwara Ryosuke returned home and fell to his knees and wept bitterly. Mrs. Fujiwara was angry and worried, and ended up taking out all of her savings, even borrowing money from relatives and friends before paying off her loans.

It's a shame, as the saying goes, betting on the death of a dog is not a pity.

After some time, Fujiwara Ryosuke returned to his old ways, and inevitably started borrowing money again, borrowing money from his family to make up for his family, and eventually more and more, to the point where he couldn't anymore. He also knew that his family didn't have the ability to help him pay back the money, so he chose to run away.

The debt collector from the loan company came to the door again. Mrs. Fujiwara was not well. After learning the truth, she was so angry that she had a heart attack and fell to the ground.

"...Fujiwara-san can only borrow from us to pay for Mrs. Fujiwara's medical expenses. Now both loans are due. According to the agreement at the time of the loan, Fujiwara-san needs to repay the debt through work."

The man in the suit glanced at Fujiwara sympathetically.

But sympathy is sympathy, business is business, these are two different things, selling bodies without paying money, opening doors is business, they are not charity.

My gaze quickly became firm: "I am Fujiwara-san Sensei, I will take care of this matter…I don't have much money right now, I hope you will come back tomorrow."

Naoki looked at Mafuyu, but didn't speak.

Whatever decision Mafuyu makes, Naoki will choose to support her.

"Sensei..." Fujiwara's body trembled slightly, and she couldn't help but look up. She had just been able to hold back her tears, but now her tears were flowing one by one like broken pearls, "I am not very worthy of you to do this."

Of course it's useless, if it's someone else, it won't care about you!

But for Mafuyu, it was worth it.

If she let go now, the girl behind her would really fall into the abyss.

The two men in suits looked at each other and said, "Then we'll be back tomorrow."

Another man in a suit reminded: "If you want to help pay, please complete the payment as soon as possible. If not, the payment amount will increase every day."

As for whether the Fujiwara girl will run away... Her mother is still in the hospital, so there's no need to worry.

The two debt collectors got into the car and quickly disappeared into the night.

"Fujiwara-san." Mafuyu turned to look at the girl behind her, and said in a rare soft voice, "You have worked hard."

Her mother was seriously ill and hospitalized, her brothers ran away, and left her with huge debts... Of course, it was impossible to stay in school and continue studying.

Fujiwara opened his mouth, the tears intensified, and she wiped his cheeks with his hands indiscriminately: "Sensei absolutely doesn't need to care about me, I can return the money myself..."

"Don't say this sentence again." Mafuyu said seriously "Leave it to Sensei."

Although there is a lot of money, but just letting it go, Mafuyu will never be able to forgive herself for the rest of his life.

Naoki felt the need to say something: "I'm hungry, why don't you eat first and cry after eating?"

Mafuyu annoyed: "Don't talk."

Fujiwara looked on with tears in his eyes, and finally stopped his tears: "Sensei, you go eat, I, I will go to the hospital to take care of my mother."

Mafuyu nodded: "Come to school for class tomorrow, come to the library to meet me after school in the afternoon."

Fujiwara bit her lower lip hard: "Fine."

Seeing Fujiwara leave, Naoki looks at Mafuyu: "Isn't your money enough, Sensei?"

"...How do you know?"

Do a simple calculation and Naoki will know. No matter how busy Mafuyu's schedule at school is, apart from teaching class, she also has to be an assistant to the principal, but his salary is small. In Japan, teachers' earnings are related to their working age. It doesn't matter if she works more or less. The teacher's monthly income is just over 200,000 yen. After incurring miscellaneous expenses each month, she can save up to 100,000 yen.

So no matter what, Mafuyu definitely doesn't have a deposit of five million yen.

"Whether it is borrowing from colleagues or friends, it will cause trouble for others." Naoki took out his credit card "Then let's use mine, as long as sensei promises me one thing."

Mafuyu clasped his hands in front of his chest: "... To take advantage of others!"

Yakuza members only take advantage of others, compared to them, I'm definitely a philanthropist!