High Endurance Nanako

"Keeping promises is good character." Naoki looked straight up "You can go if you say so."

Furuhashi is angry, the chance meeting was fake, Naoki sent her a message last night, asking her to come to the shopping center with Ogata, but she didn't expect Miku and the others to be there... just thinking about it, annoyed her.

"I'll talk to Sawako and the others later and get everyone's opinion."

After finishing speaking, Furuhashi was about to turn around and leave.

"Wait a moment."

Naoki called out to Furuhashi.


Naoki asked "Should you buy a blind box today?"

"Buy." Furuhashi nodded.

Christmas and New Year's blind boxes are the time of year with the most discounts. If she bought it, she would earn money. If she missed it, she would always feel bad. Furuhashi would buy several blind boxes every year to try his luck.

"It's like this..."

Naoki talks about sharing abilities.

"Hah?" Furuhashi's eyes widened slightly, "You actually used your perspective ability to pick a blind square, isn't this cheating?"

Naoki replied with straight words:

"Paying money with one hand, delivering goods with one hand, and not stealing or robbing formal transactions, how can it be considered fraudulent?"


If she thought about it carefully, it really wasn't cheating.

Purchaser prohibits the use of invisibility, except as expressly provided in the consumer agreement.

"Should I share my abilities with you?" Naoki suggested.

Furuhashi could only feel his heart beating fast.

No girl can resist the joy of discovering cheating in the blind box, and Furuhashi is no exception.


Furuhashi turned his eyes and landed on Miku and the others who were happily selecting blind squares. She bit his lower lip with his white teeth, and said weakly:

"So you kissed Miku and the others already?"

"Weird, why can't I hear?" Naoki covered his ears and looked around "I'm going to the bathroom."

Looking at the back of Naoki who was 'running away', the corners of Furuhashi's lips lifted slightly, forming a sweet arc, then disappeared quickly.

After a while.

The moment Naoki came out of the bathroom, he heard a soft, weak scream that reached his ears.

"Servant, come here."

Yuika was standing in a corner, tiptoed and beckoning to her.

Naoki walked up to Yuika: "Want to share perspective ability?"

"That is not true." Yuika turned her head away, "Yuika just came to use the bathroom."

"I go?"

Yuika quickly puffed out her cheeks, and tears filled her blue eyes: "You obviously did something too excessive, and you didn't apologize or explain, and now you're still saying things like this... Servant is too mean..."

Hey, are you still crying?

You, a perverted girl who can go shopping without panties under her skirt, when did you become so fragile?

"Yuika will never see Servant again..."

Yuika wiped her eyes with the back of her hand, lowered her head, and turned to leave.

Naoki grabbed Yuika's right hand: "Why are you suddenly angry?"

Yuika turned her face away, and sobbed softly: "There's nothing wrong, but it's Yuika who is wrong… Even though I know that Servant is trash that wants a harem, trash in the world, and a humanoid dolphin beast, I still like Servant."

Hey, that's all for the first two, what is a humanoid dolphin beast?

"Yuika saw on Twitter that dolphins are super LSPs, regardless of race or gender, even fish heads can be treated as blue targets..."

Humans are at a disadvantage in this case.

Who has the bold idea of a fish head?

"In the end, the Servant just toyed with Yuika's body every day, and even asked Yuika to call you father today..."

Who plays with your body every day?

You taint people's innocence!

Naoki sighed "I was wrong."

Yuika kept wiping her eyes: "...Where did Servant go wrong?"

"It's my fault because I haven't hit you in a long time."

Naoki answered blankly.


Yuika stared at her toes, wiped her eyes with the back of her hand, and struggled: "Of course, you just want to play with Yuika's body… Let go of Yuika, and I will never see Servant again!"

The next second.

Yuika only felt her wrist loosen, and was stunned.

Did Servant really let go of his hand?

Telling to let go, you really let go, when did you become so obedient?

A sense of grievance suddenly surged from the bottom of his heart.

However, in the next moment, Yuika suddenly felt as if she was flying like a cloud, and her entire body was instantly lifted into the air.


Yuika let out a terrified scream, and hurriedly hugged Naoki's neck nervously, "What are you doing!"

"Of course I raised it high." Naoki looked at Yuika with a smile on his face "You have been crying for so long, where are your tears?"


Oops, caught!

"Quickly put Yuika down." Yuika hurriedly twisted her body, trying to escape, "Someone has been looking over with strange eyes!"

"It's okay, they don't know us."

"Yuika isn't wearing panties today."

"Let me check."

"Eh?" Yuika quickly opened her eyes wide, the temperature on her face rapidly rising. "Ignorant servant, this is a shopping mall, how can you put your hand in!"

After scaring Yuika, Naoki quickly put her down.

"Let's go to the fire escape."

Naoki turned around and took the lead towards the fire escape.

Yuika pouted, held Naoki's right hand, and followed beside him.

"How did Servant find out about Yuika's acting ability?" Yuika was curious, and whispered, "Yuika didn't even look up."

"There is a 'nasolacrimal canal' which is connected between the eye and nose. When tears are released in large quantities and cannot go anywhere, the tears will enter the nose through the nasolacrimal duct and turn into snot." Naoki explained "You didn't wipe your nose even once, it must have been a fake cry."

"What?" Yuika retorted with a blushing face, "Yuika is a beautiful girl, and when a pretty girl cries, she doesn't have a runny nose!"

Even if you are a once in four thousand years beautiful girl. It's useless, your nose will still runny when you cry!

The two of them quickly made their way to the fire escape.

As the passageway door closed, the corridor suddenly became quiet.

"Very quiet." Yuika asked curiously, "There are too many people in the elevator to enter. Why didn't anyone choose to take the fire escape?"

Naoki said casually: "Because the material system always tends to the lowest energy state, the direction of all natural changes is to reduce energy."


Yuika looked up blankly.

Although she could understand every single word, it was a pity that after putting them together, she had no idea what they meant at all.

"Read more books if you have nothing to do, don't always draw doujins." Naoki sighed, and replaced it with an easy-to-understand statement, "Simply put, humans are inherently lazy creatures."

In fact, not only humans, but the entire universe is in a lazy state.

Taking the elevator is easy, but going up the stairs is tiring and hot. There is an elevator to go up. People would rather wait a bit longer than take an elevator, only stupid people climb the stairs.

"You beat around the bush." Yuika clenched her fist and shouted, "Just tell me what's next!"

"Please create a learning concept of 'know what, know why'."

"Yuika just wants to bite people now, and doesn't want to study at all!"

Yuika stood a step taller, barely the same height as Naoki.

"Hurry up." Yuika spread her arms and hugged Naoki's neck, breathing warm and sweet, "Yuika will take the blind box."

Naoki said calmly: "How did you play with my feelings just now?"

"Damn it!" Yuika's eyes widened, "That's clearly Servant playing with Yuika's feelings!"

"Nonsense." Naoki countered, "The thing I'm playing with is obviously your body."

Yuika: "😐"

Naoki is so shameless to say, he doesn't know how to write the word shame!

"What does Servant intend to do?" Yuika pouted, "Don't hit, there's surveillance video in the corridor, so Yuika doesn't want to broadcast it live for others to watch."

"Not only Yuika!" Yuika shook her head quickly, "Even if you die, if you jump from here, don't call Master!"

"Then call..."

"Daddy can't either!"

Naoki narrowed his eyes: "You don't want this, you don't want that, it's hard for me."

"That..." Yuika hesitated, "Yuika will be wearing the bunny girl uniform again tomorrow?"

Naoki raised his eyebrows: "Use twice."

"Servant is too greedy." Yuika puffed out her face, "Wouldn't Yuika's arm break from exhaustion?"

Naoki coughed: "Actually, you can use your hands..."

"Pervert servant!"

Yuika blushed, biting Naoki's lip angrily.

Naoki quickly felt the fragrance of fruit-flavored lip balm, and Yuika also had a faint milky fragrance, which was very sweet and pleasant.

After a few minutes.

Naoki picked up Yuika who was limp in her arms and legs, and walked out of the fire escape.

As soon as she opened the passageway door, she heard a surprised whisper in his ear.

"Huh, Yuika-chan?"

Yuika's body trembled, as if facing a natural enemy, she glared at Sayuki who was passing through the door:

"Cow breast senpai!"

Perverted girls are so happy to see each other.

"Good morning, Sayuki."

Naoki raised his hand in greeting, this time it was really a chance meeting, he didn't expect to run into Sayuki.

Sayuki blinked her eyes, and suddenly there was a look of grievance on her face: "Naoki-kun is too much, you agreed to watch the Christmas fireworks with me, and you actually tricked me."

"You think I will believe?"

Yuika snorted softly in disdain: "Servants are bastards who want a harem. He's so busy today that he doesn't have time to date you."

"Tsk, I was found out." Sayuki clasped her hands on her chest, muttering under her breath, "Yuika-chan is blushing, are you cheating?"

"...No one has anything to do with you."

Yuika turned her face away, "Servant, let's head back immediately."

Naoki nodded: "Let's go."

Sayuki followed with a smile.

"What are you doing here?" Yuika wanted to leave.

"Going shopping alone is so boring." Sayuki answered with a smile, "On a day like Christmas, of course everyone has to play together to be happy."

"Servant, hurry up and drive away this beef breast senpai."

"Master won't chase away his pet, maybe a cat who isn't big will steal from his classmate."

"Damn it, who do you think can't grow up?"

The two perverted girls pointed their needles in the direction and started fighting again.

Naoki had no choice but to quicken his pace. When they returned to the cosmetic shop, both of them were silent and wore masks that were calm and elegant.

They were all friends, and met frequently at clubs, so naturally weren't strangers, and Sayuki blended in easily.

On the other hand, Naoki returns to being a lonely loner.


In the twinkling of an eye, it was already evening.

After having lunch together, the girls didn't seem like they needed to rest at all, and continued shopping happily. Naoki walked slowly behind alone, feeling very tired.

Men usually don't understand the fun of shopping.


A familiar voice entered the ear.

Naoki looked away from the phone, followed the prestige, and found that it was two naughty girls.

"It really is you."

The two bad girls walked over quickly, and after saying hello, one of the girls giggled and said, "Are you excited about going out with Anego?"

Naoki was surprised: "What date?"

"Eh?" Another naughty girl frowned lightly, "Anego said yesterday that she would go shopping with us on Christmas, but she suddenly texted this morning, saying that she wants to go on a date with you, you don't know you know?"

"Hmm..." Naoki quickly said, "I think about it, Nanako did say that she wanted to surprise me."

"Anego is very arrogant, but she still prepared a surprise."

"Asakawa-san, you can't do this." The short-haired girl with a serious expression shook her finger slightly, "Today is Christmas, as a boy, you should be the one to prepare a surprise for Anego."



After talking for a while, as the two naughty girls left, Naoki took out his cell phone and called Nanako.

"...What did you call me for?"

After a while, the phone connected, and Nanako's deliberately low voice sounded in his ear, but Naoki could still hear that disgusting little nasal sound.

"You got even smaller?" Naoki asked straight to the point.

Nanako snorted softly, "So what?"

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"Why did I tell you, after all it will grow bigger in a day or two." Nanako snorted disapprovingly, "Telling you will only bring the wolf into the house... You've soiled all of your stockings!"

"I'll buy you a box and use it slowly."


"Today is Christmas Eve, come out to watch the Christmas fireworks together?" Naoki invites.

Nanako hesitated for a moment: "Is there anyone else?"

Naoki admitted frankly: "Everyone is here."

"Oh, I know that." Nanako sneered, "There are so many people, what am I going to do?"

"We are all friends, is there a problem spending Christmas together?"


Naoki didn't care, "Wait, I'll pick you up."


After hanging up the phone, Naoki, Furuhashi, and Ichika said something to go back, then took the train back to the apartment, and soon arrived at Nanako's door.

"Open the door, I'm outside."

Naoki rang the doorbell.

Footsteps sounded from behind the door, and the door opened with a click, and a 1.2 meter tall blonde girl appeared behind the door. It was a shrunken Nanako. After seeing Naoki outside the door, she hummed softly, she left the door open, and muttered in his mouth:

"Aren't you dating other people? What are you doing here looking for me?"

Naoki came in and closed the door: "Of course I miss you."

"Haha." Nanako sneered. "Male mouth is a cheat, do you think I will believe it?"

Naoki untied his scarf, took two steps towards Nanako, looking down with burning eyes.

"What are you doing?"

Nanako suddenly felt something was wrong.

"Of course..."

Naoki half spoke, suddenly stretched out his hand, and lifted Nanako into the air.

Highly lifted of course!

When meeting a cute blonde girl, is it wrong to bring it up?

"Put me down." Nanako blushed with anger, and kicked her short legs, "Pervert!"

"Let's talk again?"

Naoki held Nanako and spun her three times.

"Bastard bastard bastard!"

Nanako was a little afraid of heights, subconsciously hugged Naoki's arm tightly, and was so angry that she wanted to bite, "Give me enough time!"

After playing for a while, Naoki put Nanako down.

"Give it to you."

Naoki handed it a beautifully packaged gift box.

"...What's this?"

"Christmas present." Naoki said, "Lancome's blind box of cosmetics, which is full of things you like."

Seeing Nanako refusing to accept it, Naoki said again:

"Don't worry, everyone has a present, not just one for you."

Nanako suddenly became angry and raised her leg to kick.

"Listen to me." Naoki pressed Nanako's small head and said in a warm voice, "Everyone's present is different, this is a special Christmas present for you."

Nanako couldn't help but scoff:

"Preparing so many Christmas presents is really hard work."

"Thank you for the compliment."

"I'm not praising you!"

Nanako hesitated for a moment, but reached out to take it.

Normally, she wouldn't accept things from Naoki. She was short-handed and soft-spoken. She felt that she had taken other people's things. If there was no suitable present in return, she would be deducted a few points, and his pride would never allow it.

But today was Christmas Eve, so it didn't matter if she accepted presents.

Give him a treat in return later, and that's it!

"Change your clothes and get ready to head out." Naoki pressed.

Nanako raised her face: "What do you want me to do?"

"Today is Christmas Eve, let's go watch the lights and fireworks together." Naoki shrugged and said sharply: "If I don't come to see you today, just play with other people, I will definitely be scolded ten times in your heart?"

Ten times?

You think beautifully!

I have to scold you at least a hundred times to assuage my anger!

"What about Kabuinujiro when we get out?" Nanako snorted, "Kabuinujiro is alone at home, and will be lonely?"

Naoki looked at the corgi: "Kabuinujiro, will you be lonely if you stay at home?"

Kabuinujiro shook his head.

Naoki nodded: "Okay then, I'll leave the house keeping duties to you."


Kabuinujiro raised his dog paw and gave a fairly standard salute.