Underground place of elementary school students

Ice cream is just a pre-dinner dessert, and barbecue is the highlight.

"Barbecue is ready."

Naoki skillfully flipped the roast in front of him, and was the first to grill the wagyu beef.

Hearing that voice, Sekijou turned his head quickly, and looked at Naoki with wet eyes like a deer without blinking. The word "hope" was written clearly on his face, and she looked like Kabuinujiro asking for food.

Naoki suddenly felt itchy.

If she threw the barbecue in the air, would Hanako jump up and catch it in her mouth?


There is no way to eat in a trance. It's rare now to have Sekijou and get a chance to taste food again. Hanako has become a prisoner of gourmet food. If they are alone, Naoki can trick them into eating yogurt !

Suddenly someone kicked his toe lightly.

"Don't do weird stuff." Furuhashi warns, "Be careful Sawako is angry."


Come to think of it, Naoki definitely wouldn't be lecturing Sekijou in front of Furuhashi, so he would have to wait until no one was around.


Naoki handed the grilled Wagyu to Hanako.

"Thank you, Onii-chan!"

A sound of surprise escaped Sekijou's mouth.

"Hey?" Rin turned around in shock "Sawako Onee-san, you really want to rob Nii-chan?"

"I didn't, you misunderstood!"

Sekijou hastily denied it in his heart, Naoki asked him to call Onii-chan for a serving of grilled wagyu beef, not cheap! The onii-chan just now is Hanako, and has nothing to do with her!

In the state of being possessed by a ghost, Sekijou's consciousness remains clear, and she can also taste good food, but she can't control the instinct of his body that yearns for good food, and she can only hold his words in his mouth, unable to speak.

"Wait a moment." Naoki stopped Sekijou , and handed over the prepared sauce, "Dip the sauce and eat together."

"Thank you, Onii-chan."

The voice of thanks sounded again.

Sekijou is both embarrassed and angry, he's obviously the same age, and his birthday is even a month older than Naoki's. It's too embarrassing to call Onii-chan!

The chopsticks held the fragrant Wagyu beef, dipped in the prepared sauce, and Sekijou couldn't wait to pop the roast into his mouth with his right hand.


An indescribable sense of happiness rose spontaneously from the bottom of my heart, instantly filling the entire atrium.

"Sawako Onee-ean is crying again." Rin opened her eyes wide, "Is barbecue really that good?"

Sayuki held her cheek with her right hand, and said in a confused tone, "I always felt that Sawako was being weird after you all came back."

"Ahem, Sawako called aunt before, and she didn't know what she was saying, and then it became like this." Furuhashi coughed "Don't worry, everyone, hurry up and eat some barbecue."


The barbecue buffet time is 90 minutes, but few people can eat from start to finish. Most of them stopped to talk and chat after they were full. For example, Yuika, who had the least appetite, put down her chopsticks earlier and was holding a glass of juice while playing with her cell phone, taking a sip of juice from time to time.

Naoki who has a big appetite also stopped after eating.

Only Sekijou is an exception.

Sayuki exclaimed: "It's amazing, Sawako has eaten the fifth portion."

"Sawako Onee-san is really good at eating." Rin opened her eyes wide, "You can participate in the Eating Competition with Itsuki Onee-san."

Yuika felt the need to say something, and said softly, "Sawako senpai, eating too much at once will be a burden on the stomach."

Sekijou kept holding out his chopsticks as if she had never heard of them, his face filled with a mix of sadness and happiness, seemingly filled with joy.

(I want to quit too, but the problem is that the body doesn't agree.)

"Sawako, you can't do this." Naoki casually crafted a knife beside him. "Overeating is a bad habit, don't be like a child who can't control herself."

Sekijou glared.

(Too much! It's fine if you don't help, but you're still arrogant!)

"Sawako, drink some juice." Furuhashi handed over a glass of juice with concern, and said in a warm voice, "Don't eat barbecue. If you eat any more, you might have a stomach ache at night."

Even though Hanako hasn't eaten for a long time, she still has to take care of Sekijou's body, and she doesn't hurt.

"Understood, Onee-chan."

Although Hanako was full of reluctance, she complied, and returned her body to Sekijou after eating the last piece of barbecue.

"It's finally over..."

Sekijou breathed a sigh of relief, slumped down on the sofa, covering his stomach with tears in his eyes.

(My stomach is already bloated, and I've eaten too much, I'll definitely gain three kilograms by morning!)


Hanako knelt on the sofa beside Sekijou, pinching the corners of her clothes nervously, her small face full of anxiety, she lowered her head in apology: "Hanako hasn't eaten for a long time, I can't control myself."

"It doesn't matter." Sekijou hastily wiped the moisture from his eyes with the back of his hand, with a bright smile on his face, she silently stretched out his thumb, "Just a bit more than usual, I don't care at all."

No one can resist an apology from the cute ghost Dogeza, bar none!

"It's still early, it's only 7 p.m." Naoki glanced at Hanako, lowered his voice "You can have dinner again."


Hearing the delicious food, Hanako's eyes immediately lit up.

The smile on Sekijou's face froze instantly, and she looked at Naoki with trembling lips, don't fan the flames there you bastard!


Drinking juice together and chatting for a bit, the buffet time was running out unnoticed.

"It's almost time." Furuhashi finished drinking the last of the juice, sighed with satisfaction, and put down the cup, "I'm going to the bathroom, and I'll be back at the hotel later."

"I will also go." Rin followed and got up.

Yuika whispered: "Yuika also wants to go."

Girls seem to have a habit of going to the bathroom together, from elementary to junior high school, even Sayuki and Ogata were no exception, and in the end only Sekijou was left.

"Sawako, do you want to go together?" Furuhashi asked.

"I, will not go…"

Sekijou turned his head away, biting his lower lip sadly.

Of course she wanted to go together, but the problem was that she ate too much and didn't want to move at all, and was even worried that if she bent down, she would spit out the food.

Naoki raised his hand and said "I also want…"

"You stay here." Furuhashi quickly interjected, "Don't go to the bathroom with girls."

A few girls leave together, and soon it's only Naoki and Sekijou left, and Hanako sitting on her knees.

"Don't worry." Naoki took the juice, drank it, and comforted it, "The stomach has very good ductility, and the stomach capacity can reach 1.5 liters. The food you just ate is better than the stomachs of people who are eating contests."

Right, it's like Itsuki

The food that Sekijou just ate was only slightly more than Itsuki's usual appetite, which wasn't enough for a real girl with a big belly.

"Don't use that as an example. Sekijou leaned back on the sofa, clutching his stomach, and muttered, "Anyway, I couldn't eat a single bite. "

"Don't underestimate your body." Naoki said in a long voice, "What you are feeling now is just the brain's protective mechanism, and the body is actually not full. As long as you practice more in the future, you can really become the shape you want."

Sekijou clenched her pink fists in embarrassment, and waved them in the air: "…No engaging in pornography in front of elementary school students!"

"I do not."

"You obviously have it."

While talking, an elementary school student was led by an adult and passed by. Hanako quickly sat up, opened her eyes wide, and looked forward at the elementary school student passing by.

To be precise, it was a colorful cotton candy in the hand of an elementary school student, soft and looking very pretty.

"Hanako want to eat cotton candy?" Naoki asked.

Hanako nodded quickly, then quickly shook her head: "Hanako doesn't want to eat... Sawako Onee-san can't eat anymore."

"It's okay, the cotton candy is light and doesn't take much weight." Sekijou was deeply touched, and wanted to reach out to touch Hanako, but unfortunately his fingers passed through the ghost's body, and she felt pity. A moment, and turned to Naoki, "Asakawa-san, please get some cotton candy."


Naoki nodded, got up and walked towards the self-help area, Hanako hurriedly followed.

No need to buy cotton candy. There's a cotton candy machine in the corner of the barbecue shop. Guests who want to eat cotton candy can make their own. However, most of the people who come to the barbecue shop are adults, and no one cares about cotton candy. If it wasn't for the elementary school student who had passed earlier, Naoki would not have noticed the cotton candy machine in the corner.

A sheet of A4 paper is stuck to the side of the machine, written on it the cotton candy production process. Its content is quite simple. Naoki took a quick glance, then looked away, and followed the steps for making cotton candy.

After a while, a large colorful cotton candy was successfully created.

"Go back."

Naoki walks back to Sawako with the cotton candy, and Hanako hovers around Naoki with joy on her face.

"This was done so quickly?"

Sekijou straightened up, took the cotton candy, and didn't forget to thank her, "Sorry for your trouble… Thank you."

Turning his head to look at Hanako, she looked up in anticipation.

"Hanako-chan... you come in."

Sekijou took a deep breath and said with a smile.

"Thank you Sawako Onee-san."

Hanako gets permission and can't wait to enter Sekijou's body.

Sekijou trembled slightly, his eyes dimmed, and the cotton candy in his hand couldn't help but fall.

"Careful." Naoki grabbed it "Don't let the cotton candy touch the dinner plate."

The guests hadn't left yet, so the mess on the table certainly wouldn't be cleaned up, let alone in front of Sekijou, it wouldn't be an exaggeration to describe it as a mess.

Hearing Naoki's words, Hanako just asked Naoki to hold the cotton candy, then immediately opened her mouth, took a bite, and after feeling the softness of the cotton candy, she couldn't help showing a super happy expression.

Sekijou, who was back in the audience, was displeased.

(Hanako, cotton candy can be taken by yourself, don't eat it directly from a boy's hand!)

(The guests at the next table are already looking with strange eyes, and I will be considered a shameless girl!)

"Eat slowly, don't worry." Naoki wore a calm expression, even reached out to openly touch his head, and smiled, "You can eat again after eating."

Sekijou wanted to stare, but unfortunately his body was completely out of control, and she was still rubbing against Naoki's palm like a cat.

Now that things had happened, she could only hope that Hanako would finish eating the cotton candy as quickly as possible, lest Furuhashi and Ogata see her...

"Sawako, what are you doing?"

Ogata's voice suddenly came from behind them both.

Sekijou hurriedly looked out of the corner of his eye, and saw Furuhashi and the others walking back.

It is over.

All seen.

Life has ended...

"It's cotton candy." Rin's eyes lit up, "I haven't eaten it in a long time, Nii-chan, I want to eat it too."

"Do it yourself." Naoki reached out and pointed at a corner, "There's a cotton candy making machine in that corner."

"Can I still do it myself?" Rin was very enthusiastic, "Yuika-chan, let's go together."

"Ah, okay."

"Why is Sawako crying again?" Sayuki asked curiously.

Don't ask, asking is just putting salt in the wound!

"This." Naoki handed the cotton candy to Ogata "Rizu did it, Sawako should be happier."

"I won't be happy at all!" Sekijou screamed in his heart "There are so many people, even if it is Rizu's own food, it is still embarrassing."

Furuhashi didn't see Hanako, and knew why Sekijou was eating cotton candy and said:

"I haven't eaten cotton candy for a long time, don't worry, let's eat together."

Ogata nodded and said, "I want to eat too."

"Fumino, Rizu..."

Sekijou shed tears, even if she was embarrassed, she would never leave herself, this is a true friend!

"Eh?" Sayuki was taken aback, not knowing why everyone was suddenly interested in cotton candy, and she smiled, "I want one too."


The cotton candy machine that no one usually cared about, was suddenly selling well, and its sales volume had increased tremendously.

After eating the cotton candy, the buffet time just ended, and Hanako came out satisfied, and returned her body to Sekijou.

"Let's go back to the hot springs."

Naoki walks back to the hot spring hotel with some of the girls, plus Hanako.

"Finally back."

Sekijou breathed a sigh of relief, now she just wanted to soak in a hot spring, sleep well, and head back to Tokyo tomorrow.

"After soaking in the hot springs, we can go to the steam room," said Rin.

Furuhashi was surprised: "Steam room?"

"That's right." Rin nodded. "When I returned in the afternoon, while Yuika-chan and I were soaking in the hot springs, we found a new sweaty area in the hotel."

Yuika nodded: "The hotel staff said that the steam room is an additional fee, but it is very cheap."

"It's been a while since the last steam room." Furuhashi said with great interest "Let's go there together later… let's talk about soaking in the hot springs first."