Miharu Today Is A Little Weird


Miharu pushed the door open and entered the room.

Naoki followed behind, and immediately caught a faint scent lingering in the air.

"The rooms are very clean."

Naoki slightly nodded.

Looking around, Naoki can see that Miharu's room is clean and tidy, everything is neatly arranged with no clutter, and is completely two extremes with Ichika's room.


"Miharu, are you sure this is your room, not Sensei's?" Naoki looked at the various photos on the wall and table.

As far as the eye can see, there are all pictures of Mafuyu.

There is a photo of an elementary school student wearing a small yellow hat and carrying a large school bag.

Naoki's eyes fell on the photo. When Mafuyu was a child, she turned out to be a princess cut hair accessory. Unlike the current Ice Queen, she obviously liked to smile when she was little, and there was baby fat on her face. Her face is so cute that people want to pinch the last one.

There are even more photos from junior high.

The baby fat on the face has disappeared, and the body has gradually grown. There are photos in tracksuit, yukata, seaside swimsuits, traditional sailor outfits, and more of Mafuyu's heroic performances on the skating rink. Bright smiles standing on the podium, hard-working looks during serious practice...

Naoki will pick up his phone later and take all the photos without missing a single one for collection!

"Of course it's my room." Miharu lifted her chin and answered.

Naoki looked at Mafuyu who was standing at the door: "Why all Sensei's photos?"

Mafuyu turned his head away, clearly knowing what was in the room.

"Onee-sama is so amazing, was it wrong to put a few more photos in the room to cheer myself up?"

Miharu said in a sharp voice: "It seems that there are always many famous quotes hanging in the school corridors, which are my role models and my goals for studying."

Naoki looked at Miharu carefully.

The four eyes face each other.

Miharu's eyes were clear, and she didn't avoid guilt at all. Obviously, what she said was what she was thinking in her heart.

What a siscon!

Your love for your elder sister is too deep!

"Thank you, Sensei." Naoki looked at Mafuyu with comforting eyes.

With a younger sister who adores her so much, it's no wonder Mafuyu has to hide the fact that she's useless at housework every now and then.

"But Onee-sama has always said that this is not good. Just drop a photo or two. It doesn't take much, but each photo is very important, and I want to look at it from time to time." Miharu hesitated a bit "What about Asakawa?"

"Miharu isn't wrong at all." Naoki said with a serious expression "Sensei is the cutest in the world, please post a few more pictures to cheer yourself up, and support 100%."

"I think the same."

Miharu's eyes quickly rolled.

Mafuyu glared angrily.

Naoki chose to close his eyes and said to Miharu:

"Miharu, do you have backup photos? I also want Sensei to encourage me to study."

"Many more." Miharu nodded happily, and said that she would open the cupboard, "Everything is in the box, I kept it well, but I can only give you Onee-sama's photo and nothing more, every photo is precious."

Seeing that the two of them had the same taste and were about to choose a photo, Mafuyu finally couldn't stand it anymore, and said:

"Miharu, let's sleep."

"I coming." Miharu stuck out the tip of her tongue, but stopped regretfully, and whispered, "Let's see the photos tomorrow."

"Miharu, let's go." Naoki nodded, then looked at Mafuyu, "Good night, Sensei."

Close the door.

Sleep is of course impossible, first take a photo of Mafuyu and save it.

Naoki took out his cell phone and started taking pictures, in the end he got dozens of collection photos that were out of print, it can be said that the trip was worthwhile.

Right after taking the photo, there was a knock on the door.

"Sensei… and Miharu?"

Naoki opens the door, and is surprised to find that Mafuyu and Miharu are outside the door.

"I don't know when the window glass in my room broke." Mafuyu had already changed into his pajamas, and said in a low voice, "The temperature is very low tonight, and it's still windy outside. Maybe I caught a cold to sleep, so..."

"Understood." Naoki said quickly "Let's change rooms Sensei, you and Miharu sleep, and I will sleep in Sensei's room."

"I didn't ask you to change rooms," Miharu said quickly, "The three of us sleep on the tatami together tonight. It's late at night so the windows can only be replaced tomorrow… When I went out to look for Pace during the day, I saw some elementary school students playing slingshot, it must be the glass the kids broke."

"It's cold outside, you guys come in first." Naoki moved the door.

"The room is very cold." Miharu hugged his arm and shivered slightly "Why didn't you turn on the air conditioner?"

"My temperature is high, so I don't need to turn on the air conditioner." Naoki took the remote control of the air conditioner, "It's not too late to turn it on now."

"Miharu, let's go and bring the blanket," said Mafuyu.

Even if there were beds, it was definitely impossible for three people to sleep, and they could only sleep together on the floor at night.

After all, it was winter now, the cold wind was howling outside, and the dripping water had turned into ice. Even if the air conditioner was turned on, blankets were still very important.

"I will help." Naoki immediately handed the remote control to Miharu , and walked towards the door, "Miharu, turn on the air conditioner."

Mafuyu glanced at Naoki lightly, and followed him out of the room.

The two sisters' rooms were next to each other. After Naoki entered, he found that the two rooms were the same size, both were clean, and all the things were neatly arranged without anything messy.

The only difference is that there aren't many photos in the room, but there are plenty of trophies.

"Sensei, is this your room?" Naoki said in a gentle tone.

"This is Miharu." Mafuyu pressed his brows helplessly, "When I was young, Miharu and I slept in the same room. Miharu has had obsessive-compulsive disorder since she was a child. She likes to keep things neat, so she always keeps his room tidy."

"Later, I sleep in separate rooms. I have started skating training. It was a tough time, and I came home very late every day. Miharu will clean my room together."


No wonder Mafuyu's housework ability is so bad. It turns out that she is a good-for-nothing older sister who has been raised by her younger sister since childhood.

Talking about childhood, the corners of Mafuyu's lips slightly raised, those seemingly ordinary days had now become the wonderful times of life.

"Ah Cho-"

The cold wind howled from the broken glass, and the cold air hit, Mafuyu hurriedly hugged his arm.

"Sensei, you caught a cold." Naoki suddenly took a half step forward, and his eyes were hot.

"Just sneezing, not cold."

"Sneezing is a sign of a cold." Naoki said sternly "Sensei, have you forgotten that Miharu caught a cold last month, and nothing happened for a whole week?"

Mafuyu hesitated when she heard that.

The last time Miharu caught a cold was not long ago, and she still remembers it clearly, his nose is stuffy, and she always has a very uncomfortable cough.

Naoki continued to advance half a step quietly, while Mafuyu hesitated, he spread his arms and leaned against the wall behind Mafuyu, and said in a low voice:

"Sensei, you need treatment."

Mafuyu already understood what Naoki was planning, his face was cold, and she used a majestic look that could make students stay away:


Too bad it didn't work.

The same trick has been used too many times, Naoki has solved it.

As it is now.

Even if he didn't go, he would just write a review in the end.

So Naoki didn't back down but forward, and kept going.

The distance between the two sides shortened rapidly, and soon it reached the point where they were breathing each other, and Naoki could clearly smell Mafuyu's scent.

It is a clean and delicate fragrance mixed with shampoo, skin care products, and a faint body fragrance, somewhat similar to the sweet-scented osmanthus of late autumn, and smells wonderful.

There is a slight pain in the waist.

Mafuyu used the last attack method, shyly lowering his voice, "Miharu is still next door and hasn't come back yet. Miharu will doubt it."

"Just hurry up."

Naoki looked down and blocked Mafuyu's soft and cold lips.

The room fell silent.

The pain in the waist quickly subsided until it completely disappeared.

Not long after, Naoki barges into his mouth and manages to catch Mafuyu's tongue who wants to hide. Unfortunately, not long after she was bullied, there was a knock on the door.

With blurred eyes and almost losing the will to fight back, Mafuyu suddenly woke up, and quickly bit the tip of Naoki's tongue:

"It's Miharu, quickly go."

Naoki had no choice but to give up the Mafuyu had just obtained, and took two steps back to distance himself.

Mafuyu raised his right hand, quickly wiped the silver thread at the corner of his lips, looked at Naoki shyly, then quickly smoothed the hair around his ear, and opened the door with his hand.

Unsurprisingly, Miharu was outside the door.

"Onee-sama, it's been a few minutes, why didn't you come?" Miharu asked.

"I just asked Sensei about the achievements of the trophies in that room." Naoki took the topic indifferently "This is a rare opportunity, I want to know everything about Sensei."

"I can tell you too." Miharu's eyes lit up, "I went to the scene to cheer for every game Onee-sama has."

"Stop talking about Miharu, go to the cupboard and take out the blanket." Mafuyu walked over to the bed and interrupted the two of them, "Be careful of catching a cold."

The three returned to the room.

The temperature of the AC increased, and it was much warmer indeed.

Without anyone else's help, Miharu spread the blanket on the floor alone, every corner neatly arranged, and the distance between each other seemed to be measured with a ruler.

"Miharu, you sleep on the right side, and I sleep in the middle." After finishing speaking, Mafuyu looked at Naoki, "You sleep on the far left."


Naoki never thought of sleeping in the middle.

Mafuyu said again: "Lie down first, I will turn off the light."

The lights were turned off, and the room suddenly went dark.

"Onee-sama, you will be leaving tomorrow?" Miharu didn't feel sleepy for a while, so she turned her head and asked.

"Wake up in the morning and go after breakfast." Mafuyu has already made up his mind.

Long night and many dreams.

The sooner the better, it's hard to imagine what it's like to tell the truth... having to hide until high school.

"Sensei, drive slowly." Naoki said quietly "On a dark day, Miharu messaged me and told me that I was scared to tears by you."

"Nonsense, I'm not afraid to cry."

"My memory is wrong, it should be because the speed of the car is too fast."

Mafuyu replied seriously: "The speed of the car is not fast. I drive within the maximum speed limit, and I never break the rules."

"Why is Sensei driving so fast?" Naoki was curious, "Female drivers usually drive very slowly."


Mafuyu said in a calm voice, "When I was learning to drive, coach told me that driving slowly is the most dangerous behavior, and driving with the speed limit is the safest and will not cause trouble to others."

Reasonable and reasoned, people have no words to refute.

After talking for a while, Miharu's voice quickly became blurred:

"Onee-sama, I'm going to bed, good night."

As a patient with obsessive-compulsive disorder, Miharu has a fairly regular schedule, sleeping and waking up on time.

"Good night," Mafuyu said softly.

The room fell silent.

Mafuyu was just about to close his eyes, when she suddenly felt a hand reach out quietly, and his eyes suddenly opened.

"Sensei, don't be nervous." Naoki lowered his voice "I just wanted to ask if I want to help you warm up."

"No need."

"Hands are so cold, feet must be colder, Sensei can really sleep?"

Mafuyu fell silent.

Really can't sleep.

After being blown by the cold wind on the other side for a few minutes, the heat in the body has long since disappeared. After lying down for so long, his feet are still cold and uncomfortable.

There was a rustling sound in the darkness.

Naoki enters Mafuyu's bed.

"Miharu is still here." Mafuyu gritted his silver teeth, "Hurry back."

"Miharu is a person who has a hard time getting up, don't scream, she won't wake up at all." Naoki stretched out his arms to hug Mafuyu, and the two faced each other, promising, "I'm just helping Sensei to warm up, and I'll be back after warming up. Miharu won't know about it."

A steaming heat was transmitted from Naoki's body, quickly dispelling the chill in his body, and the familiar warmth made Mafuyu unable to resist.

"Sensei, put your feet in my arms." Naoki whispered, "If your feet aren't hot, you definitely won't be able to sleep at night."

Mafuyu hesitated a little, and spread his legs.


Naoki took a deep breath "I'm sorry, Sensei's feet are as cold as ice."

"Do not talk." Mafuyu blushed a little "Be careful wake up Miharu."


Nothing to say all night.

The next day.

Before dawn, Miharu woke up in a daze, went to the bathroom, then returned to the room in the dark.

"I'll start skating practice right after I get back. I don't know when I'll see Onee-sama again..." Miharu thought for two seconds, "It's decided, let's sleep next to Onee-sama and replenish my energy!"

Quietly lifted the blanket and lay down, Miharu only felt that the blanket was warm enough, couldn't help but hide, and immediately realized that today's elder sister was a bit strange.

"Wait...why is Onee-sama's body suddenly hardening?"