Obstacles and stumbling blocks

The sound of high heels hitting the floor is very familiar.

After the class bell rang, Mafuyu pushed open the door and entered the classroom on time. She climbed to the podium with steady steps, put down the lesson plan in his hand, raised his hand to hold back the wind-blown hair, and said in a cold voice:

"In the new year, please give me your advice."

The social expert under the podium quickly shouted, and it was very lively for a while.

"Sensei, happy new year."

"I haven't seen Mafuyu-sensei in a long time, I missed you."

"Mafuyu-sensei, do you have a boyfriend during New Years?"

Itsuki took out a textbook from his school bag. The cover of World History is the Egyptian Pyramids and the Sphinx. The textbook was spotlessly clean, except for Itsuki's name.

"Studying world history doesn't seem to be of much use, except for exams." Itsuki complained in a low voice, "Now that technology has advanced so much, it always feels like there were two worlds from ancient times."

Naoki looked at Itsuki and said:

"Do you know the relationship between the width of the US space shuttle rocket thrusters and the butt of a horse?"

"Of course I don't know." Itsuki said speechlessly, "It doesn't matter what you think."

Naoki continued: "The propeller width is four feet eight and a half inches, which is also the international standard rail width."

"Uh, why?" Itsuki asked curiously.

"Because in the past rocket propellers were transported by train, the train had to take into account tunnels and the like, so the design was the width of the rails."

"Oh, I see." Itsuki suddenly realized, "Wait, what does this have to do with a horse's butt?"

"The width of the railroad tracks is determined by the father of the railways, of course not arbitrarily." Naoki continued, "When the railroads were built a hundred years ago, most of the materials were transported by horse-drawn carriages and the distance between the railroad tracks was actually the distance between the axles of the cars."

"Before the invention of the carriage, the only means of transportation used in the West for thousands of years was the horse-drawn carriage."

"The distance between the axles of the train is related to the road. Nearly all the roads in Europe at that time were paved by the ancient Romans, the width of the roads being the width of the ancient Roman chariots."

"The ancient Romans used two horses to pull their chariots, and their butts were exactly four feet eight and a half inches wide."

Naoki looked at Itsuki, and said, "So, what did you realize?"

Itsuki opened his eyes wide, with a blank expression: "...the width of the rump of two horses thousands of years ago determines the width of today's rocket boosters?"

"Correct answer."


The four classes in the morning passed in a hurry.

Lunch break.

As soon as the bell rang for the end of class, Itsuki got up quickly as usual and rushed to the cafeteria first.

Naoki closed his book, walked out the back door casually, and came to the corridor to wait for Miku.

Not long after, Miku came out of the classroom and tied a scarf while walking.

It's still winter, and sometimes a cold gust of wind can make people shiver, and they need to wear scarves when they go out.

"For you."

Naoki stretched it out in front of Miku.

"What?" Miku looked curious.


"Don't guess."

"A hint, is your second favorite thing,"

"Something I like..." Miku thought for a moment, "Is that Gacha?"

"The answer is correct." Naoki handed the gashapon to Miku.

Miku glanced curiously, and saw that it was the newest general gashapon released this year, "Why do you think it's the second favorite?"

Naoki takes it for granted:

"Wasn't your first favorite thing me?"


Miku couldn't hold back her anger, "Not you."

The first favorite is definitely sister and mother, then father and grandfather... Naoki can only be ranked behind grandfather.

Miku gently held the general's gashapon, and suddenly remembered last fall, when the reckless Asakawa first said that I want all, she decided to ignore it at that time, and then Naoki would send the general's gashapon every day.

Later, because of Ichika, she starts talking again, and the gashapon general disappears.

Sure enough, after coaxing her well, Naoki wouldn't value her anymore, right?

Miku gently puffed out her cheeks: "Reckless Asakawa, come on harakiri!"


A question mark slowly appeared over Naoki's head.

Miku was obviously very happy right now, why change in the blink of an eye?

No wonder Mr. Hawking said that women are the most incomprehensible existences in the world!

"What are you two doing secretly?"

Nino came over, and said in a bad mood, "Are you still going to the cafeteria?"

"Don't sneak." Miku stuffed the common gashapon into her pocket, "Don't soil people's innocence."

"Public place in the corridor." Naoki said beside him "Miku and I on the boat."

Nino and Miku turned their heads together: "Don't talk!"


Walk quickly to the canteen.

Naoki ordered barbecue food, and sat next to Itsuki, looking at the food on Itsuki's plate, with a doubtful expression on his face.

"What did Asakawa-kun want to say?" Ichika turned his head with a smile, "Say it."

"Today's barbecue is very generous." Naoki looked calm, "It should be because it's the first day of school, let's eat."

Not long after, Nino and Miku walked closer.

"Itsuki, did you forget something?" Nino could only ask.

"Eh?" Itsuki raised his head, a grain of rice stuck to the corner of his mouth, "What's wrong?"

Nino folded his arms in front of his chest, and said what Naoki wanted to say just now:

"How about starting to lose weight starting today?"

Looking at the plate full of dishes in front of her, Itsuki felt numb.

That's right, when she woke up in the morning and weighed herself, she said that starting today she had to eat less.


Why did she buy so much food without knowing it?

She remembered.

Because she hadn't been to the cafeteria for a long time, she saw the food she liked beforehand, and she accidentally forgot to lose weight.


Don't eat anymore.

Itsuki, oh Itsuki, all you have is perseverance?

If she didn't go on a diet, maybe she would be two hundred kilograms!

"…..I'm full."

Itsuki put down his chopsticks.

"Don't lie to yourself." Nino complained "You only ate a little, how can you be full?"

"Keep eating Itsuki." Ichika stretched out her finger "You can lose weight only when you are full."

Miku drank enough soup, and the food on her plate was no more than half Itsuki: "Forget about today, let's start tomorrow."

Yotsuba thought for a while: "You can't waste food. There is still a lot of food left, too wasteful."

Naoki finally said: "There are still physical education classes in the afternoon. If you don't eat enough, you won't have energy. How are you going to go to class?"

Itsuki hesitated to take chopsticks: "...Then I can eat again?"

If there was any difference from usual, it was that Itsuki's eating speed had slowed down, and she wasn't the first to finish eating.

Nino wakes up and buys dessert:

"Itsuki, do you want to eat cream mousse?"

Itsuki kept his eyes straight: "I won't eat."

Ichika held a piece of chocolate cake and gave a thumbs up: "Today's chocolate cake was really delicious, can Itsuki eat it?"

"Hurry grab it!"

Itsuki lifted the plate, and quickly finished the rest of the dish.

She finally understood that the few people in front of her were clearly holding her back on purpose.

"I'll be back first."

Itsuki turned and left.

After all, dessert shouldn't be eaten after dinner!

Today's weight loss plan failed again.

Naoki was about to head back with Miku, when suddenly someone grabbed the corner of his shirt.

"Reckless Asakawa, are you free in the afternoon?" Miku looked up and said softly, "If you are free, let's go to the park in the afternoon and see the cats."

Naoki thought for a while and said, "Go to the library after school in the afternoon, read some books, then head to the park."


Miku nodded lightly and agreed.


In the blink of an eye, school was over in the afternoon.

Naoki goes to the library with Miku and Itsuki.

Itsuki's idea is simple, the new semester has started, it's time to study hard.

Before leaving, Naoki sends messages to several other girls.

Unfortunately, none of them are available.

Ichika goes to the office for daily training.

Nino hadn't seen his friends in a long time, and she couldn't wait to go shopping together today.

Yotsuba trains on the women's basketball team.

We all have a bright future ahead.


On the first day of school, the library was very quiet. Naoki comes to the second floor, and only sees Ogata and Sekijou. Furuhashi just sent a message to participate in club activities with his friends, and Asumi is preparing for a battle at home.

"Asakawa-san, good afternoon." Oga looked up.

"Good afternoon." Naoki goes to sit across from Ogata, his eyes fall on Sekijou, and he slightly raises his eyebrows "Sawako put on makeup?"

"Of course not." Sekijou yawned and said in a bad mood, "It's a dark circle, okay?"

Naoki said curiously: "It's a holiday, why do you have dark circles?"


In the middle of his speech, Sekijou seemed to think of something unspeakable, and swallowed the rest of his words.

"It is nothing." Sekijou shook his head, "I haven't rested well in all this time."

"Sawako is lying," Ogata said suddenly.


Ogata pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose: "I bought a book on the psychology of microexpressions two days ago, and I read it. It is said that when people feel guilty, they will subconsciously look away."

"Ahem." Sekijou suddenly coughed, and couldn't help but say, "Don't use those weird extracurricular books."

Naoki said with a serious expression: "I will confiscate the book, and not read it again."

"Uh, why?"

If Ogata learns to become a master of micro-expressions, his future life will definitely be very difficult!

"It's for the sake of future happiness." Naoki said earnestly "Bring me the book tomorrow morning."

"Okay." Ogata meekly agrees.

"Though I don't know what Sawako is hiding, there must be a reason." Ogata held Sekijou's hand. "It must be really hard for one person, if you can't support it, you can tell Asakawa-san and I that we are best friends for life."

After saying these words, Sekijou burst into tears!

"Actually..." Sekijou cried, almost saying it, but swallowed again in the end, "If there really was no other way, I would definitely tell you."

Sekijou didn't want to say more, and Naoki naturally didn't ask anymore.

Some people quickly start learning.


In the blink of an eye, it was already 3.40 pm in the afternoon.

Naoki left the library and walked out of school with Miku and Itsuki.

"Miku and I went to the park to shoot a video." Naoki looked at Itsuki "Will you go?"

"It's fine to go home now..." Itsuki thought for a moment and agreed, "Let's go together."

The three of them walked towards the garden.

"Go to the supermarket for canned cat food and cat food," said Miku.

Invite the cat to cooperate with his performance, of course she has to lure her to profit.

Naoki reminded: "The cats prefer to eat saury."

Miku nodded: "Buy it together."

"You should be optimistic about Itsuki." Naoki complained, "Don't let Itsuki eat it all."

Itsuki puffed out his cheeks: "I won't steal it!"


After buying good things, the three of them walked to the park.

The afternoon sun was just right, many elementary school students were playing in the garden, and a group of stray cats were lying in a corner, all of them lazily basking in the sun.

"It seems that there is no less cat." Miku counted carefully, her eyes brightened slightly, "There are two more cats than before I left."

Winter is the most difficult for stray cats, cold and lack of food, stray cats often die from cold and hunger.

"There are a lot of residents around here, and people often come to feed them." Naoki said warmly, "I come to see these cats every other day."

Miku's eyelashes fluttered slightly: "Give me a buff."

"What are you talking about?" Itsuki followed curiously.

"Give Miku the buff that can talk to cats." Naoki looked at Itsuki "Do you want it?"

To be able to talk to the cat unexpectedly, Itsuki was instantly moved.

"Miku wants it, of course I want it too."

There is a small rock in the corner, the three of them walk behind the rock, Naoki stares at Miku, but doesn't move yet. Miku had covered her lips, and pushed her bangs up with her other hand, exposing her forehead.

"You don't believe me," Naoki said in a disappointed tone.

Miku was unmoved: "Hurry up, I still need to shoot a video."

Naoki had no choice but to kiss Miku on the forehead: "It's okay."

With the addition of the buff, Miku quickly logged out and started getting busy. She has now given up his status as a game show host and devoted herself to making cute pet videos.

Find what she wants to do, and work hard towards the goal, and move forward seriously, Miku is finally no longer flustered, this time quite happy.

"My turn."

Itsuki came up to Naoki, followed his example, and lifted his bangs.

Naoki looked at Itsuki "What are you doing with your bangs?"

"Miku was just like this." Itsuki was confused.

"Miku is Miku, you don't need to learn from her." Naoki said, "You lower your bangs first, actually there is a very simple way."


Itsuki felt something was wrong, but she didn't react for a while.

It wasn't until his lips were blocked that Itsuki realized that Naoki was clearly waiting for Miku to leave after saying so much, so she could be bullying others!