Tsunamis can't be so weak


"Stupid Asakawa."

The quintuplets turned their heads one by one and looked at Naoki who appeared behind.

"Grandpa's phone has been disconnected." Itsuki was worried, "I don't know what happened."

Yotsuba was also worried, "Asakawa-san, are we going to Izu to find grandpa?"

Mount Toba erupted, and many cities along Japan's Pacific Rim were hit by the tsunami, and traffic was severely crippled. It's definitely not possible to go there by car. Now they can only ask Naoki to teleport there.

"Grandpa probably didn't have his cell phone with him, don't scare yourself now. Even though Izu was hit by the tsunami, she wasn't even three meters tall. The situation is not as serious as you think," said Naoki in a calm tone, "Is there no need to go to Izu? Question, who is going?"

Nino exclaimed: "Of course we go together."

Grandpa is the only family member in the world, now that Izu is hit by a tsunami, no one can sit still.

"A big burden to go with." Naoki said, "I can only move you there, but I can't move you back."

"It doesn't matter." Miku said quickly "We can go back by car."

"Then just say it." Naoki nodded slightly, stretched out his right hand, "Hold my hand."

The Quintuplets stretched out their hands one by one, and each held Naoki's finger.

"Then let's go."

The next moment.

The cold wind howled.

Soon after, the quintuplets felt chills on their feet.

"This is Grandpa's yard." Itsuki looked down and found that his feet were drenched in the cold seawater, and she couldn't help but open his eyes wide, "Could it be that this seawater..."

"That's right." Naoki nodded "That's a tsunami."

"Hah?" Nino couldn't help but groan, "A tsunami that's less than a calf?"

Indonesia is 4,000 kilometers from Japan, and a tsunami spanning 4,000 kilometers, how high do you think!

Yotsuba breathed a sigh of relief: "I thought it would be several floors high."

"It feels similar to the tide on the beach." Miku paused, "Is this really a tsunami?"

"That's right," Said Naoki, "The definition of a tsunami has nothing to do with wave height. As long as it meets the shock wave caused by the eruption of the underwater volcano, even if it is only ten centimeters left on the beach, it is still a tsunami."

While speaking, the tsunami that had nearly submerged their calves quickly disappeared, leaving only muddy ground.

Naoki also saw some shells on the ground, and even a hermit crab crawling quietly.

Watching the 20-30 cm high tsunami recede quickly, the quintuplets immediately felt relieved.

Such a high tsunami, let alone grandpa dealing with the sea for life, elementary school students will not be in danger.

"Let's go and take a look at the house first." Ichika clapped his hands, "Find grandpa first."

The door was locked, obviously no one was home.

But to be safe, it's more reassuring to find it in person.

Nino came to the potted prickly pear plant easily, picked up the potted plant, hid the spare key under it, opened the door with the key, pushed the door and entered the house.

No wonder the house was hit by the tsunami, the floors were covered with damp moisture, and a lot of silt was left behind.

"Very dirty." Nino wrinkled his nose "Must be really hard to clean."

"I've been looking for a bedroom." Itsuki's voice was quick, "Nothing."

Yotsuba followed suit and said, "There's no one in the backyard either."

Miku: "The small storeroom and kitchen in the back are also empty."

After searching the old house inside and out, the quintuplets reunited and soon came to a final conclusion.

Nino's expression was serious: "...Grandpa isn't home."

"Not in the beginning." Naoki couldn't help but complain, "When you're at home, how can you lock the door from the outside."

Grandpa is just a fisherman, not a secret room killer among famous detectives!

Nino glared angrily: "Why didn't you say it earlier?"

Naoki sighed and said, "I said earlier you would go in and take a look, so you can rest easy."

"Asakawa-san makes sense." Yotsuba nodded, "If we don't go in and see for ourselves, we'll definitely be thinking about it all the time, and won't feel at ease."

The ahoge hair on top of Itsuki's head swayed slightly: "Then where will grandpa be?"

"Oops." Ichika suddenly sighed, "Grandpa didn't go fishing in the sea?"


The girls suddenly became nervous again.

"It could be."

"Grandpa was a great fisherman. If he doesn't fish for a day, he will feel uncomfortable."

"I just checked my phone." Miku with a serious expression, "Several fishing boats in Kagoshima have capsized due to the tsunami, and the lives and deaths of the fishermen on board are uncertain."

"I'm going to the beach to have a look." Itsuki clenched his pink fist, turned around and was about to run out.

Naoki restrains Itsuki: "The Meteorological Bureau issued a disaster tsunami warning a few hours before. Why don't you think about it? Grandpa received the evacuation notification and is currently being treated at the evacuation point?"

"It may be." Nino's eyes lit up.

Itsuki hesitated: "Anyway, let's go to the beach first to see if grandpa's boat is still there."

The quintuplets quickly came to a unanimous decision.

After the tsunami receded, the road was opened again, but unfortunately the road which was usually clean, is now filled with sand, mud and a mess.

In fact, this is what a tsunami actually looks like after it recedes.

Naoki and the Quintuplets come to the beach.

The sea was pitch black, and no light could be seen, obviously no fishing boats were going to sea in those conditions.

They soon came to a small pier.

"It's so dark, I can't see clearly."

"Not a single ship is lit, so the sea can get very dark."

Itsuki turned on the flashlight function of his cell phone and took a picture of the fishing boats surging in the sea, but the light was too dim to see clearly.

Nino and Miku used their cellphones to help with the lighting, but sadly that also had no effect.

At this time, Naoki raised his right hand and said:

"Would you like to add a night vision buff?"

"Of course."

The quintuplets quickly gathered around Naoki, Nino said in a bad mood: "The light is so dark, you should have said it when you came out."

"It's not too late to say now." Naoki waved "Let's start with Nino."

Nino stepped forward, lifted his face slightly, and pushed his bangs up, exposing his smooth forehead.


Naoki bent down slightly and kissed Nino on the lips.

"Stupid Asakawa, where did you kiss?"

Nino's eyes widened, she quickly took a half step back, and covered his lips with the back of his hand.

She even raised his bangs, Naoki didn't want to kiss, and insisted on kissing his lips in front of everyone, she didn't want to lose face!

"Impossible." Naoki coughed and his face was pale. "The consumption of teleport together just now is too high, and now I can't control the power accurately."

Nino was skeptical, but seeing Naoki's pale face, she swallowed his words again, "...Why can't I see clearly?"

Naoki takes it for granted:

"You are moving too fast now, I didn't add buff, I have to do it again."

Seeing Nino hesitating, Ichika stood up without hesitation, "I'll come, Asakawa-kun."


Ichika came forward in a serious tone: "This was just a kiss in front of everyone, and it's not like I've never been kissed before. Compared to Grandpa's safety, it's nothing."

One sentence made Nino lower his head in embarrassment.

Under the watchful eyes of the four sisters, Naoki kissed Ichika on the lips with a straight face. After a few seconds, the night vision ability was successfully distributed.

"I can see everything clearly..." Ichika looked at the pier and quickly exclaimed, "Ehhh?"

Itsuki hurriedly asked, "Ichika, what's wrong?"

"I don't know." Ichika shook his head, "See for yourself."

"Asakawa-san, buff me." Yotsuba and Itsuki said in unison.

Only Miku half-closed her eyes, feeling suspicious.

Something is wrong with Ichika.

Very quiet.

When she saw the tsunami news on TV, Ichika seemed to be eating pudding?

That's right, she was eating pudding, and she finished his pudding.

Faced with something as big as a tsunami, Ichika still wants to eat pudding, Miku quickly thinks of the only correct solution

Ichika already knows that his Grandpa is safe and sound?

Asakawa is reckless you know?


These two have been working hand in hand for a long time!

Miku as usual, came last.

"Asakawa is reckless." Miku puffed her face out and lowered her voice. "Is there something you and Ichika are hiding from us?"

Naoki ponders: "Which one do you mean?"

Miku widened her eyes at the words: "Is there more?"

"...I take back what I said earlier."

"Too late!"

Miku lowered her voice: "Grandpa is actually very safe, you and Ichika both know that, right?"

Naoki slightly raised his eyebrows, then hugged Miku's waist, and hugged Miku into his arms:

"You know too much."

Miku: "😐"

Taking advantage of other people's disasters, looking for signs of fishing boats on the pier, Naoki lowered his head, kissed Miku's soft and cold lips directly, then took an inch to bully Miku.

"Look, Grandpa's fishing boat is over there!"

Itsuki suddenly shouted.

The old fishing boat they took together to fish at night in the sea was tied tightly to the shore, surging with the waves of the sea.

There were so many fishing boats in the harbor that the quintuplets just found them.

"Grandpa's fishing boat is here, so it must not have gone out to sea." Yotsuba was very happy, "Asakawa-san is right, grandpa must be in an emergency shelter."

Nino frowned slightly: "Where is the emergency shelter?"

The quintuplets only came to play during winter and summer holidays, so they really didn't know the location of the emergency shelter.

"A reckless Asakawa should know." Miku's breath was a bit fast, her face flushed, "Just ask him."

"I don't know." Naoki took out his cell phone, "But Google must know."

"What did you two do just now?" Nino looked suspicious, "Why is Miku's face so red?"

Ichika put her hands behind her back, and said with a smile "I'm curious too, please Miku explain carefully."

Miku puffed out her bun face: "Grandpa hasn't been found yet, why is Ichika still smiling?"


Several girls looked at Ichika one by one.

Ichika bit her lower lip, her eyes were full of worry, and her expression was tired: "What are you talking about, how can I smile."

Itsuki was confused, "Ichika is definitely not smiling."

Miku: "😐"

She can change expressions freely in one second, his acting skills are amazing!

When everyone looked away, the worry on Ichika's face disappeared in an instant, and she even raised her right hand to her face, and silently showed Miku a pair of scissor hands.


Miku puffed out her cheeks angrily.

Too many scams!

"Ah, I found it." Itsuki held the phone, "The emergency shelter is right behind the restaurant where we usually eat seafood sashimi."

The group of people walking through the messy streets, led by Itsuki, soon came upon a restaurant, then made a detour backwards along the path.

"This is an emergency shelter."

There were several police officers on duty at the door, seeing Naoki and his entourage coming, they immediately went up to inquire about the situation.

At this time, Ichika stepped forward to negotiate, reported his Grandpa's name, entered the shelter immediately, and found his Grandpa.

The old man was drinking with a few people of the same age, and he was very surprised to see them.

"I wanted to see grandpa, so secretly came over to play for the weekend. We want to surprise grandpa. Who would have thought something like this would happen," Explained Ichika.

Nino asked, "Grandpa, why can't you reach your cellphone?"

The old man's answer was very simple. When he went to the beach to repair a fishing boat, the cell phone in his pocket accidentally fell into the sea, so the call was unreachable.

Because the tsunami was only tens of centimeters high, he didn't take it seriously at all, so he forgot to tell the quintuplets that he was safe.

However, after confirming with their own eyes that the old man was safe and sound, the quintuplets finally relaxed, and immediately felt cold and uncomfortable.

Even if the tsunami is only a few tens of centimeters, it doesn't matter if the shoes and stockings get wet.

Now that it's winter again, the temperature at night is extremely low, and the feet that were wet by the tsunami have been numb from the cold.

Fortunately, the owner of the seafood restaurant came enthusiastically and greeted Naoki and others to take a bath in the restaurant. Because of the tsunami, the restaurant was closed.

After Naoki thanked him, he went to the restaurant with the quintuplets.

Upon arrival, they discovered that there was actually a bath that wasn't too small, enough for quintuplets to bathe together.

As a boy, Naoki is naturally ostracized.

"Because of the tsunami, the electricity in the whole area was out, I don't know when it will be repaired. The owner is very nice, she prepares towels after busy work and lights candles."


Naoki sat on a chair and played with his cell phone, waiting for the quintuplets to finish bathing.

Not long after, he suddenly heard Nino's panicked voice: "Stupid Asakawa, someone touched my thigh!"

Yotsuba: "This is really cold."

Then came Miku's voice: "Tentacle monster!"