Asumi goes to school

The next day.

Yotsuba woke up on time under the influence of the biological clock, yawned and left the room.

As the first to wake up among the quintuplets, it was still dawn.

Walking into the bathroom, Yotsuba suddenly heard a strange sound of breathing in the bathroom next door. She immediately got up, clutched her cell phone tightly, and said vigilantly:

"Who's in the bathroom?"

It was early in the morning, except for herself, no one else should be awake, Yotsuba couldn't help being alert.

Could it be a thief?

"It's me..."

Miku's indistinct voice came from the bathroom, it was somehow rushed, and she was very guilty.

"It turned out to be Miku, I was shocked." Yotsuba relaxed. If it wasn't a thief, she wouldn't have a problem. "It's only 5.30 am, why did you get up to take a shower?"

"Just now, I just had a bad dream..." Miku's voice faltered and trembled slightly from time to time, "I was sweating a lot… So I got up and took a shower."

"I understand." Yotsuba nodded, "I had a terrible nightmare, and when I woke up, I was completely covered in sweat. Do you want me to help you wash up?"

"No, no need!"

Miku immediately refused, her voice sounding strained and stressed, "I can take a shower myself."

"Miku, are you okay?" Yotsuba asked concernedly. "Why does your voice sound so strange, are you not feeling well?"

"No…" Miku stuttered, "I accidentally slipped and sprained my leg earlier, and it hurt a little."

"Then, what should I do?" Yotsuba hurriedly said, "I'll call Asakawa-san?"

"Don't call him." Miku's voice was strained, as if she was holding it down forcefully, "The pain isn't serious, I'll rest for a while, you can go to school for training."

"Is there really no need for help?"

"No need." Miku's voice whined a bit.

"Okay then, I'll head out first."

As the main strength of the girls' basketball team, Yotsuba often have to get up early to go to school for physical training, and usually leave very early.

Get out of the bathroom.

It's not bright enough yet.

Yotsuba looked at the closed bathroom door, feeling a strange subtle feeling in her heart.

Miku seems to be hiding something on purpose...

Forget it, since Miku doesn't want to talk about it, then don't ask.

Yotsuba shook her head, took her school bag, changed her shoes, and left the apartment.

Walking to the elevator going down, Yotsuba suddenly reacted.

Wait a minute...

Why were there two pairs of slippers by the bathroom door just now?

Yotsuba hesitated for a moment, but decided to drop the investigation.

Forget it, she probably woke up too early, and his memory is a bit hazy.


At the same time.

In the bathroom.

"Reckless Asakawa!"

Miku covered her lips with the back of her hand, her face turning red like fire, "You know that Yotsuba is next door, but you still bullied me differently."

"Could that be considered bullying now?"

"Nearly discovered by Yotsuba."

"You look down on me."

"Do not move..."


Itsuki is usually the second of the Quintuplets to wake up.

At 7 a.m., Itsuki awakens beneath his biological clock.

Lying on the bed in a daze for a while, and when she regained consciousness, she walked downstairs in his pajamas.

"Uh, Miku?"

Seeing Miku in a bathrobe with wet hair, Itsuki was surprised, and said in surprise. "I didn't see you when I woke up earlier, I thought you came back to your room in a daze, why are you taking a shower now?"

Miku turned her head away and gave the same excuse: "I had a bad dream and was sweating a lot, so I'll just take a shower."

Itsuki didn't suspect her at all, and was very easily fooled, "I'm going to the bathroom."

"Wait a moment." Miku bit her lower lip, "Itsuki, help me blow my hair."


"I'm a little dizzy and have no energy."

"In that case, okay." Itsuki walked over to Miku and took a hairdryer, "Miku, your face is very red and your voice is a bit hoarse. Maybe you have a fever?"

"Possible." Miku said as casually as she could, "I'll take my temperature when I get back to my room."

"If you catch a cold, remember to take your medicine."


"Miku, why is there a strange mark on your neck?" Itsuki asked curiously.

Miku quickly covered her neck, and said in an even tone, "A mosquito bit me last night."

Itsuki tilted his head doubtfully: "There are still mosquitoes in winter?"

Of course there is, and it is a very large and reckless mosquito!


The day is getting brighter.

Nino got up and down.

Only Ichika was still sleeping late.

"Stupid Asakawa hasn't woken up yet?" Nino looked around and quickly raised his guard. "Could it be in Ichika's room?"

Although Nino didn't see the scene in the tent, Ichika was too aggressive last night, which made Nino instinctively feel that something was wrong.

"I'm in the kitchen." Naoki came out of the kitchen.


Nino sniffed his nose, and the smell of cooking flooded his nose, "You really get up early to cook?"

It was quite a hassle to make breakfast in the morning. The quintuplets' breakfast was usually bread and milk, and Itsuki would eat an extra bag of meat buns.

Naoki looked at Miku quietly, then said:

"It's been a while since I made breakfast for Itsuki, and I feel really sorry."

"Tsk." Nino complained "You just want to make Itsuki fat."

"I'm not fat." Itsuki replied displeased.

Nino quickly reached out to sneak attack, and pinched Itsuki's belly: "Obviously it's all meat."

"Nino!!" Itsuki was embarrassed, "You sneak up on me again!"


Naoki makes breakfast, and goes upstairs to call out to the bedridden Ichika.

"Eh?" Seeing omelette and saury rice on the table, Ichika was quite surprised, "How can Asakawa-kun make breakfast?"

Naoki said firmly, "To Itsuki."

"Really for Itsuki?"

Ichika put her hands in front of her chest, half closed her eyes, and stared at Miku's face.

Miku's gaze fell on the phone, without thinking to look up.

With her acting skills, she couldn't fool Ichika at all.

Fortunately, Naoki added a self-healing guard to it. Otherwise, he definitely wouldn't be able to climb down the stairs now, so he had to be caught.

"Just forget it." Ichika withdrew his gaze, "Breakfast."


Naoki leaves the apartment with the four sisters.

"I'm going back to the apartment to get my school bag and get changed." Naoki said, "Go to school first."

After parting ways at the bus stop, seeing Naoki's back walking towards the crowd, Miku couldn't look away.

At this time, a voice suddenly sounded in Miku's ear:

"How did you feel last night?"

Miku was surprised, almost let out a low voice, and said in as calm a tone as possible:

"I don't know what you're talking about."

Ichika smiled: "You can deny it with your mouth, but the blush on your face can't lie."

Miku: "😐"


"I was planning to attack Asakawa-kun at night, but on second thought, this is Miku's room." Ichika lowered her voice, "Miku will definitely be angry if he does something like that in Miku's room, right?"

Needless to say, anyone would be mad!

"Liar." Miku couldn't help but reply, "Obviously you were too tired yesterday, so you accidentally fell asleep."

Even if Naoki isn't in her room, Ichika can drag Naoki to his. No movement until 12 pm. There is only one possibility, and that is to accidentally fall asleep.

"Ah, the truth has been discovered."

"...As expected, my guess was correct."

"So am I right?"


At the same time.

The other side.

Naoki returns to the apartment.

There's a lot to do on Monday, so Mafuyu has been gone for a long time.

Naoki took his school bag, changed into his school uniform, and walked to school.

As he passed the udon restaurant, Ogata was waiting eagerly by the roadside.

"Asakawa-san, good morning."

Ogata walked quickly while gripping the straps of his school bag with both hands.

"Good morning."

Naoki nodded in response.

Whether it's Nanako or Miku, bullying is fine, but for Ogata... just walking down the street, the police will pay attention from time to time.

At less than 1.5 meters tall, no matter how one looked at it, she was still too young!

"Asakawa-san, this is it."

Ogata stretched out his right hand whose palm was in the form of a shirt button.

Since watching "The Warmth of Sunday", Ogata often delivers buttons on Monday mornings.

"I accept it."

Naoki took a button, then felt a stare behind him.

Turning his head, he saw Uncle Ogata lying at the door, holding a stainless steel spatula in his hand, a red light shining in his eyes.

"Uncle is watching us."

Naoki quickly betrayed his teammates.

Ogata turned to look behind her.

The cruel uncle Ogata changed his face in a second, and waved his hand with a smile on his face, "Go slowly... do you want to put udon in your school bag and eat it when you are hungry?"

Strong sense of urgency to bring a school bag filled with udon to school!

"I already brought it." Ogata waved, "Dad, go back to sleep quickly."


A moment later, Naoki and Ogata run into Furuhashi, and the three walk to school together.

"Today is already the 16th." Furuhashi carried his school bag in both hands and walked briskly beside Ogata. "Today was originally a national examination day."

Ogata pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose: "Because of the eruption of the Toba volcano, tsunamis occurred in many coastal areas, and the date of the Unified National Examination was postponed by two days."

"I don't know how Asumi senpai is doing now." Furuhashi tilted his head and thought for a moment, "After preparing for so long, and suddenly the exam was postponed, will it affect the momentum?"

It didn't go into the guillotine, the exam was postponed for two days, it had no effect at all!

"Why don't we go and meet Asumi-senpai now?" Naoki suddenly suggested.

"Eh?" Furuhashi looked up, with a doubtful expression, "I don't know if Asumi senpai is awake, and now that it's over, will it cause trouble?"

"Not." Naoki turned the phone to Furuhashi "Asumi senpai just said that it's no problem to play with her."

"Then have a look." Ogata said quickly, "It's been a while, I didn't look for Asumi senpai on my way to school."

Furuhashi agreed: "Then let's go... But how can we go to the Kominami clinic?"

"I know." Naoki said "Just follow me."

Furuhashi understood when she heard those words.

While speaking, how dare you show such a proud expression!

Naoki led Furuhashi and Ogata through the streets and alleys to the clinic.

"Kominami Clinic..." Furuhashi looked at the clinic's sign which was a little mottled with age, "This is Asumi senpai's house... but how do we get in?"

Small clinics usually don't open until 9 am, and it's still early, so the door to the clinic isn't open at all.

"Simple." Naoki led Furuhashi and the others around to the back of the clinic, then dialed Asumi's number.

"Kouhai, why did you call me so early?"

Asumi's voice was sleepy.

Naoki said: "Go to the window and look down."

The curtains were quickly drawn, and a figure walked behind the window and pushed it open.


Asumi was surprised, she just came alone, she even brought Furuhashi and the others along, did you know that a girl is forbidden to see people without makeup?

"Asumi senpai." Naoki waved his hand downwards. "We called you to go to school together."

Asumi's heart trembled slightly, she took a deep breath, turned and walked out of the room: "It's very troublesome, but a little happy."

"Let's go." Naoki put down his phone "We can go ahead and wait."

A moment later, Asumi opened the clinic door, she was still wearing cat pajamas, her hair wasn't even combed

"Asumi-senpai, good morning." Furuhashi showed a bright smile on his face, "We came to look for you to go to school together."

A smile also appeared on Ogata's face: "Asumi-senpai, we are here."

"I haven't seen you all since New Years." Asumi's eyelashes fluttered slightly, and she was very happy. "Wait for me to wash my face, brush my teeth and change clothes, and go to school together. "

The national exam is just around the corner, for half a month since the new year, Asumi has basically never left the clinic for half a step.

"There's still hair." Naoki reached out and touched the top of Asumi's head, "It's curled up, I need to comb it."

Asumi clapped Asakawa's hand, "You dare to touch my head, Kouhai is getting bolder."

"Forgive me." Naoki said sincerely, "She's too fit, I can't help myself."

"Kouhai!" Asumi clenched her fists. "I'm in a good mood today, so I won't disturb you."

Asumi went to take a bath happily, and could even hear a softly humming song.

"Asumi senpai is very happy." Furuhashi showed a smile on his face, "If I knew, we should have come here earlier."

"Coming here early will disrupt class, today is just right." Naoki shook his head, looked at Ogata, "How to put it in idioms?"

Ogata tilted his head and thought for a while: "Still and want to move?"

"Very good, the answer is correct." Naoki gives the score, "Full marks."

Not long after, Asumi came out of the bathroom, quickly put on makeup, changed her clothes, then took her school bag.

"Let's go."

On the last day of the countdown to high school, as a student again, she goes to school with his friends. It seems like an ordinary day, but looking to the future, it is definitely a beautiful memory worth cherishing in life.