[Bonus chapter]

I fall down on the dirt. I cannot take my eyes off the gruesome sight before me.

What have I done?

"He was going to kill him," I chant but I cannot feel the words themselves. Something goes off, a shrilling sound and I jump scared, and I realize that I am crying.

My phone. My phone is ringing. With shaking hands, I reach inside my pocket and I answer without looking who it is.

"Where are you?"

I'm trembling and I realize that I am going into shock, possibly passing out.

"Laura, stay with me," someone is on the other end. Madame?

"I- I don't know," I whisper and the minute I hear that's it's her, a sob escapes my lips.

"Can you light a flashlight? I need to locate you."

I don't even think about it, I just do it. She is coming to get me. I feel good only for a moment before I start panicking.