One on One

I can see so many hands and questions all over sudden being thrown around and I all I can do is keep a small smile on my face.

"One at a time," I say and then proceed to nod to one gentleman standing almost at the front to ask his questions.

"I guess what most of us are asking is, who are you? We have never heard of you before today and most importantly, have your family owned the Nuvvia Company all these years?" he asks and then sits down.

I clear my throat and keep the smile plastered on my face. Deep inside my stomach is I knots so I force myself to breathe out and then proceed to look at the man right in his eyes as I answer his questions.

"I will start with your last question, and say I can't answer that now can I?" I force out a chuckle. "Because then you will know what everyone in this room is dying to know to be honest," everyone laughs and I clasp my hands on my lap.