Who Am I Without My Memories?

There is someone talking softly.

"She went through something that we still don't know what caused it," a man speaks.

"Did I cause it?" he asks and I feel my heart skip a beat.

"No, but it is all mental. It may be that she is processing things that she might be remembering, perhaps concerning her accident, we are still not sure," the  man answers and I know it's the doctor.

"Is she still brain active?" he asks and I feel myself holding my breath, but I find that difficult.

"Yes. Her brain is active, we are just not sure if she is able to hear us, or process what is going on with her surroundings. We are doing a head CT again and see if we will get better results than the last time."

"What about the tubing? Can she breathe on her own?" he asks and I hear the doctor pause.