Therapy sessions: 5th Session

She hasn't said a word for a whole ten minutes. I knew that this would happen, I am surprised she hasn't told me that we are done for the day.

She clears her throat and readjusts her glasses, looking at me, but she can't meet my eyes.

"That's a lot to take in," she says and I sit there, watching her and waiting for her to regain control of herself.

"Now that you have see I am not the saint or the enchantress that you though I am, you can say that I am doomed," I say and she shakes her head.

"I- I dint say you are an enchantress, at any point since we started this," she rectifies. "But we should talk more in-depth of what you went through that evening."

"Who orchestrated all of this?" she asks.

"I don't think you want to know that. I am only telling you about parts of myself that I feel that will not expose you to greater danger," I respond.

"Greater danger?"