Into Oblivion, Take Me There

I make a move to cover myself when he stands up but he stops me.

"don't. I told you, no moving."

Oh, I want to argue and tell him no, so desperately but I can't.

I find myself not able to even lift a finger when he says so and I blame my body for easily falling into the submissive role so easily like I never left for a second.

It feels so good, to know he doesn't want to move, he wants to be the one to cover for me, to do all the things for me. he wants to take care of me all through and that makes a tingle run from my spine all my curling toes.

I missed this, and I missed the freeing feeling it came with it.

What people =don't tell you is that it is so good to finally let go. I haven't let go in such a long time, I feel like I am breathing and without any worries in my mind because Trevor will take care of everything.