Chapter 120. What do I Need a Knife For?

  Master Qi did not understand what Su Qing wanted the knife for. However, Jiang Yifan's attitude towards Su Qing today made Master Qi very angry. This young man was the benefactor who had saved his wife and son. Jiang Yifan's aggressive humiliation was the same as humiliating Master Qi.

 "Go get the blade."

 Master Qi's face was as calm as water as he ordered his servants, and his gaze on Jiang Yifan was even colder.

 Jiang Yifan still didn't know that he had offended master Qi and was bent on letting master Qi see that su Qing was a fake doctor. He had hemostatic drugs in his medicine box, and later, he would make that Jianghu doctor admit that he was a quack.

 All he wanted to do was slap Su Qing in the face and prove he was a famous doctor with brilliant medical skills. He didn't notice what Su Qing wanted the knife for.