Chapter 160. Master, Danger

The city gate of Fu County was knocked down, and Guo Longjiang rushed into Fu County with a motley crew of refugees.

 "I admire this man."

 Ji Shuisheng turned around, looked at the motley Army pouring into Fu County like a spring, and said to Qiu Yongkang.

 The blood in his body was boiling, and he also wanted to attack without care.


 Qiu Yongkang sighed. He and Shuisheng were going to achieve great things, but the villagers of Peach Blossom Cove were their most significant burden. They had to get them to safety first.

 "Let's go. This is only a short-lived thing."

 Ji Shuisheng calmed down. He wanted to overthrow the great Xia Kingdom and not just take down one city.

 He needed to recruit soldiers and buy horses and elite soldiers and generals—all of these required time and money.