Chapter 181. You're Not Trash, You Come

 Instinct told Su Qing that this group of people was not simple. Saving people was a merit, and destroying the group of women traffickers was even more so. Su Qing would not miss an excellent opportunity to level up.

 "You want to know? Go ask the King of Hell."

 Master Lu didn't expect this young man to be so bold. His smile was like a spring breeze, but his words were murderous.

 "The King of Hell won't accept me."

 Su Qing raised her chin and said coldly, "I'll send you there!"

 Her words were even more arrogant than when Master Lu said this. Master Lu raised his eyebrows and looked at her. However, when his gaze met Su Qing's icy eyes, he instantly felt a murderous aura.

 Master Lu frowned. He was a weak young master with such a strong aura. This person had such a solid murderous aura.

 Master Lu hated being suppressed by Su Qing. He sneered, 

 "Ha, you're quite arrogant?"

 Master Lu ordered the thugs coldly,