Chapter 236. Sneak Attack

 Ji Shuisheng turned back three times with every step he took. Su Qing stood at the door and watched him disappear before returning. She suddenly liked this feeling. It was like a married couple. The husband left, and the wife was reluctant to part.

 As soon as this thought popped up, Su Qing felt warmth in her heart. Mo City had defeated the Tartan soldiers, and she could live and work in peace and contentment after some construction. This was the life she wanted.

 That night was the most comfortable sleep that everyone had ever had: the warm brick bed and the warm room. There was no danger, no killing, and no need to find a place to sleep. They could sleep comfortably.

 Xiaoying was also exhausted and fell asleep. When she slept, she was as quiet as a baby. She did not snore or turn around. She slept quietly through the night.