Chapter 250. A Huge Wave

 However, judging from Ji Shuisheng's clothes, he was a poor man of the Great Xia Kingdom. His status was not worthy of her noble daughter, so the Empress changed her way of repaying him.

 "What reward do you want?"

 "This lowly one is a businessman. Now that the Tartan Kingdom is attacking Mo City, they will kill any Han people they see. This lowly one is terrified and wants a waist token to protect my life so I won't have to worry about my life when doing business."

 Ji Shuisheng didn't mention entering and leaving Tartan. This Empress wasn't as simple as Saiya and looked quite shrewd.

 It would arouse her suspicion if he directly mentioned that he wanted to enter and leave Tartan at will. Therefore, Ji Shuisheng only said he wanted a life-saving waist token for his safety.

 If the Tartan soldiers saw the waist token given by the queen, they would let it pass. At that time, wouldn't they be able to enter and leave Tartan freely?