Chapter 259. Adding More Months

  Qiu Yongkang was very excited when he saw the gold that Ji Shuisheng had brought back. According to the current exchange rate between gold and silver, one tael of gold was equivalent to sixteen taels of silver, and one hundred taels of gold was equivalent to one thousand six hundred taels of silver. This was simply a huge sum of money. Even Qiu Yongkang, who had always been calm and collected, was overjoyed. He said excitedly to Ji Shuisheng,

 "Shuisheng, the 100 gold you brought back is timely. I was just worrying about how to pay the rest of the money for Yang Zhi. Now that we have more people, the food is going down quickly. Even if we save on food for a day, we will still need dozens of stones of grain. The food we have won't last long. We have to hurry and buy food."

 "It's fine. I just need to get through this. I've already opened up a way to earn money."