Chapter 339. There Must Be Something You Want From Someone

  "Good morning, Miss!"

 Chu Jingfeng had dressed up, especially today. He was dressed in a plain robe and a purple cloak. A circle of black mink fur at his collar complemented his jade-like skin. His smile was as bright as a flower in the spring breeze. His eyes shone with starlight as he looked at Su Qing with a smile.

 When the waiter, shopkeeper, and the customers in the lobby saw Su Qing coming downstairs, their expressions became nervous. It could be said that there was a moment of silence.

 Chu Jingfeng could feel the change in the people around him, but he smiled at Su Qing calmly. He was a young master who did not know the world's sufferings.

 When Su Qing saw Chu Jingfeng, her cold little face was expressionless. Her voice was stern, without a trace of warmth.

 "Young Master Chu, why are you here so early?"