Chapter 345. Obstructing The Sovereign

  Qiu Yongkang was just about to go home after checking the accounts when he saw Su Qing striding in. When Qiu Yongkang saw Su Qing, his expression changed, but he quickly regained his usual calmness and gentleness. He walked up to Su Qing and greeted him politely.

 "Su Qing, you're back."

 "Yongkang, is Shuisheng back?"

 " Qiu Yongkang?" Su Qing stopped when she saw Qiu Yongkang and asked casually. However, his eyes looked past Qiu Yongkang to the accountant's office.

 If Shuisheng returned, he would go to the accountant's room to check with Qiu Yongkang. She was a little excited and a little nervous.

 "He's back, but…He's gone again."

 Qiu Yongkang replied calmly but deliberately dragged out his words as if he wanted to say something but hesitated.

 "Gone? Where did he go?"

 Su Qing felt something was wrong with Qiu Yongkang's expression, so she looked into his eyes and asked.