Chapter 359. Defend to The Death


Ji Shuisheng whispered into Su Qing's ear. His hoarse voice was as intoxicating as old wine. Ji Shuisheng's gentleness intoxicated Su Qing. She looked up at Ji Shuisheng's eyes, which were filled with deep affection. She reached out and cupped his firm face. She had not seen him for a few days. He looked unkempt and bedraggled, as if it was the first time she had seen him. He looked rough and wild.


Feeling Su Qing's smooth and tender fingers moving on his cheek, sparks flew wherever her fingers passed. Ji Shuisheng called out Su Qing's name in a low voice and lowered his head to kiss her red lips, intoxicating him.

Su Qing tiptoed cooperatively and wrapped her arms around Ji Shuisheng's neck. She was even wilder and hotter than him. The two of them were like glue, and the warmth in the yurt rose sharply. It was about to reach the point of frying pancakes.