Chapter 387. What Does The Life And Death Of These People Have To Do With Me?_1

When the man heard Su Qing's shout, he looked up at the tree she was on. His eyes were as malicious as a poisonous snake. He raised a bundle of detonators and shouted at Su Qing, threatening Su Qing with the commoners gathered together.

"Let me go, or we'll die together with these lowlifes."

He thought that Su Qing would care about the lives and deaths of these commoners. These people were his bargaining chips, but he didn't expect Su Qing to laugh scornfully.

"What does the life and death of these people have to do with me?"

The man didn't expect her to say that, but she didn't look like she was lying.

Indeed, how many people who achieved great things would care about the lives of ordinary people? He would select killing weapons if he had to choose between killing weapons or saving the commoners.