Chapter 415. No Return

The Wan Family Army hurriedly accepted the challenge. However, their movements were slow because their hands and feet were frostbitten. In addition, they hadn't eaten a mouthful of warm food for three days. They couldn't even hold their weapons. They couldn't even stand properly, let alone fight.

Su Qing's Xiao Family's Army was fed well and in a warm house. Now that they were out to fight, they were stretching their muscles. Compared to the Wan Family's Army, they were like tigers descending from the mountain.

The Xiao Family Army killed the rest of the Wan Family Army.

They couldn't withstand Su Qing's power. On the official road leading to the capital, troops were already lying in ambush. When they saw the Wan Family Army fleeing, they immediately killed them. The Wan Family Army found out in despair that they were fine when they came, but they could not return.