Chapter 434. Xiao Ying Has Learned to Hide Her Body (1)

After Xiaoying shouted, she held her breath and waited at the toilet door. No one answered. Only the whistling north wind blew Xiaoying's hair into a mess. She bit her lower lip and clenched her fists as she entered the toilet.

No one?

Auntie Qiu was not in the toilet at all!

Xiaoying closed her eyes. She felt a pain in her heart. She took a step back and then another step back. Finally, she turned around and ran towards the front yard.

Xiaoying ran to the entrance of the government office and asked the guard. 

"Have you seen Auntie Qiu?"

"I saw her. She said she had a stomach ache and wanted to find a doctor."

The sentry answered truthfully. Before he could finish, he saw Xiaoying run out. After running for two steps, she stopped and turned back to the sentry, saying,

"If I'm not back in an hour, go find my big brother and tell him I went to the Qiu family to look for Aunt Qiu."
