Chapter 445. Carry Out The Betrayal to The End

"Alright, I'll go and recruit the soldiers immediately."

Xiao Zeyu and Su Qing had the same thoughts. The coal mine must not fall into the hands of the imperial court.

Xiao Zeyu walked out of the camp, his eyes as dark as ink. The fact that the imperial army could find the coal mine so quickly must have been Qiu Yongkang's doing. To get promoted and make a fortune, Qiu Yongkang betrayed them to the end.

"We must go to the iron mine as soon as possible."

Su Qing said to Xiao Zeyu. She also thought Qiu Yongkang had told the court about the coal mine. Since the coal mine had already been revealed, there would naturally be a lot of iron ore. Uncle Qu and Uncle Jiang were doomed.

"I've set up traps for the iron mine and used a smokescreen. They won't be able to find it so easily."