Chapter 498. Honored Guest

Xiaoying blushed as she pushed Jiang Yuyan away and whispered, "Don't shout."

"Oh, oh, I forgot. There are guests in the house!"

Li Shuang 'er was so scared that she stuck out her tongue and craned her neck to look into the room. She was very nervous and afraid she would disturb the distinguished guests.

"Where are the tea leaves?"

Xiaoying asked her softly. Li Shuang 'er then remembered to pass the tea leaves to Xiaoying.

"When Lord Xing heard that we would entertain the prince, he took out all his treasures."


Xiaoying took a whiff and found that the tea leaves were very fragrant. It was high-quality mountain tea, but the Li family didn't have tea bowls and only had rough porcelain bowls. How could they serve guests like this? She asked Li Shuang 'er.

"Did you bring the teacup?"

"Yes, Lord Xing was thoughtful and sent a bailiff to bring his good tea set over."