Chapter 502. Beat Him at His Own Game

How could the two Northern Barbarian soldiers let Jiang Yuyan go? They were still counting on her to get promoted and make a fortune! However, they were also terrified of Su Qing. One of them blocked the front while the other held Jiang Yuyan. They only needed to walk a few hundred meters before they entered the Northern Barbarian World. Once they entered the Northern Barbarian Kingdom, they would be safe. They could not let their efforts go to waste.

"I gave you a chance, but you didn't want it."

Su Qing smirked coldly. Suddenly, a gust of wind blew up the snow. The two Northern Barbarian soldiers could not open their eyes because of the snow. When the wind passed, and they opened their eyes, Su Qing had already appeared in front of them like a ghost. With lightning speed, she pressed on their Body Stopping Acupuncture Points.