Chapter 507. Extinguishing Yelu Chun's Hope

Xiao Zeyu and Yelu Chun were sitting cross-legged on the brick bed. Yelu Chun especially loved to drink the tea Xiaoying brewed. He drank cup after cup of tea, and after drinking more than half of the pot of tea, he felt that the tea was lovely. After a sip, it was sweet from his mouth to his heart.

Xiao Zeyu saw that Yelu Chun loved to drink tea, so he ordered people to pack the remaining tea leaves for him to take home.

Yelu Chun thanked him, but in his heart, he thought, 'I don't love this tea; I love the person who made it.'

Su Qing carried the fish pot in. This was a method that Yelu Chun had never eaten before. He elegantly picked up a piece, and his eyes instantly lit up. He praised Su Qing.

"Not only is sister-in-law's wine delicious, but the dishes she makes are simply delicious."

"If you like it, I'll write down the cooking method for you. I'll bring some fish back for you later."