Chapter 510. Parting

The sentinel guarding the city rushed over on horseback. The horse stopped before the grave, and the sentinel jumped on one knee to report to Xiao Zeyu.

"Let me see!"

Xiao Zeyu stood before his godmother's grave and asked for the military report from the sentry. It was almost the new year. What major event would happen?

Su Qing also stood up and read the military report. The military report was sent from Luo City. Wan Yulin couldn't hold back and sent troops to take back Luo City.

This was an important city. If Luo City fell, the imperial court's army would march straight into Jin City and take it down. The iron ore and coal mines would fall into the hands of the imperial court.

Therefore, Luo City could not afford any mishaps. Xiao Zeyu was worried and prepared to lead his troops to support them personally. Before he left, he said apologetically to Su Qing,

"Qing'er, I won't be able to accompany you back to Jingshi Dao this year.