Chapter 523. The Battle!

Qiu Yongkang left the restaurant full of hatred and anger. He knew that he was no match for the powerful Su Qing. He had the heart to succeed or die. As long as he planned it well, he still had a chance to take Xiaoying away.

Qiu Yongkang left the Moon Pavilion and bought gold foil for his parents and Qiu Yue to visit their graves. At the cemetery, Qiu Yongkang prayed for his parents and Qiu Yue to protect him. He wanted to take Xiaoying away and kill Su Qing to avenge them and help the Qiu family continue their family line.

After returning from the cemetery, he had been waiting outside the government office. The soldiers told him that Xiaoying and Su Qing were going to Jingshi Dao that day. The envoy of Tartan was going to propose marriage to Xiaoying's grandfather.

Qiu Yongkang was so anxious that he even wanted to blow up the government office and take Xiaoying away.