Chapter 606. Su Qing's Birth

These days, Xiao Zeyu has been dealing with fake medicine in court. The army was about to attack Nanman. Su Qing did not stay idle either. She went to Qin Tie and took out a blueprint for a pistol. She studied it with Qin Tie and made two pistols. This was to give one to Zhong Yong and Zhang Jinglin each.

 "Master, what is this?"

 Zhong Yong held the pistol and studied it repeatedly but still could not understand it.

 "You two, come with me."

 Su Qing took them to the imperial garden and ordered someone to hang a bottle on a tree. Su Qing took them far away before stopping. She raised her gun and aimed, breaking the bottle with one shot.

 "This hidden weapon is good!"

 Zhong Yong grinned widely and touched the gun lovingly.

 "Look at the crosshair here. Look here, aim, and pull the trigger."