Chapter 625. A Step Late

 Xiao Zeyu had instructed them not to rest and to ride at full speed. But even so, the sky was already dark by the time he and Xiao Ying returned to Mo City. The guards had just closed the city gates when Xiao Zeyu's guards went over to call on them.

 The guards held the documents Cheng Yu had given them, and the city guards opened the city gates to let them in.

 Xiao Zeyu pulled open the curtains and looked outside. Hesitation flashed in his eyes. The sky was already dark. Should he wait until tomorrow morning to go?

 However, this thought momentarily flashed through Xiao Zeyu's mind before he immediately rejected it. No, he couldn't wait.

 Xiao Zeyu didn't go to the government office. He went straight to the Li family.