Chapter 663. Elder Brother Is Like A Father

"The bride, hurry up and step over," the matchmaker urged Jiang Yuyan after she finished singing.

 The fire in the brazier was even more intense than before. The more intense the fire, the more prosperous the days would be. The bridal granny pulled Jiang Yuyan towards the brazier. Jiang Yuyan was so frightened that she lifted the hem of her wedding dress. She didn't want such a big fire to burn her wedding dress.

 Jiang Yuyan was already afraid, but the firecrackers on both sides of the door lit up again. The ground was filled with firecrackers, and she dared not go over.

 Zhong Yong could tell that Jiang Yuyan was scared. He didn't care about the rules. He walked over and carried his wife in his arms. He strode over the brazier and stunned the bridesmaid. Fortunately, she was experienced and sang:

 "The bride and groom crossed the brazier, and the little days were red with fire. The husband and wife sang and flew together!"