Chapter 692. Abdication

 Yun 'er liked the grasslands and was unwilling to return to the capital no matter what. Not only Yun' er but Zi Song was also unwilling to return. They all said they would wait until winter before returning to the capital.

 Xiao Ying also begged her brother and sister-in-law,

 " Let them stay. Let them accompany me more. I wonder when we'll meet again after this."

 Xiao Zeyu and Su Qing saw Xiao Ying's sad expression and didn't have the heart to refuse, so they agreed. Returning to the capital, they found that Ziqi managed the government well. He used his ideas to issue a few new policies that benefited the country and the people. The ministers in the court didn't go against him just because Ziqi was young. They were very cooperative with him. In just a month, Ziqi had already become quite the emperor.