Let Jialu Apologize, and We’ll Forget About this Matter

The most important thing was that Mo Shenbai had yet to taste those dishes.

Xu Jialu did not seem to have heard Mo Shenba's words. An anticipatory expression could be seen on his face as he looked at his sister.

Xu Youyou thought about it for a moment before she said, "I can cook everything for you except for the eight treasure ducks and tonic soup. I'll cook those two for you next time."

Mo Shenbai: "..."

Xu Jialu was about to nod in agreement when his phone suddenly rang. It was his father. After he picked up the phone, no one knew what was being said on the other end of the line, but his expression clearly grew darker and darker. He was gritting his teeth so hard that they were about the shatter.

After Xu Jialu ended the call, Xu Youyou asked worriedly, "What happened?"

"The Lin family went to our house," Xu Jialu said. He rose to his feet and looked at Mo Shenbai before he continued to say, "I'm taking the day off today."