Why Is Your Face Red?

In a simple gray room lit by a yellow floor lamp.

A man's exposed lean body pressed closer as his strong arms restrained Xu Youyou under his body. Sweat dripped down his face and landed on her neck.

Mo Shenbai's eyes burned hot like lava at this moment when he looked at her. It felt as though his gaze would burn her alive. He leaned down, pressing his face against hers, before he said in a hoarse voice, "Youyou…"

The dream seemed to overlap with reality for a moment. When Youyou woke up from the ridiculous dream, she saw Mo Shenbai's dark eyes looking at her.

Mo Shenbai was about to cover Xu Youyou with a blanket, but he did not expect her to wake up suddenly. He looked at her, slightly startled, as he asked, "Did I wake you up?"

The blanket covered her from the neck down.