Xu Youyou, Did You Do That on Purpose?

Su Lanxu suddenly smacked the desk, frightening Xu Youyou. Then, she said, "Let's not think so much! Let's have hotpot!"

"Hah?" Xu Youyou was dumbfounded by the sudden change in topic.

Su Lanxu lowered her head to look at Xu Youyou and said, filled with conviction, "There's nothing hotpot can't solve! If it doesn't work, having hotpot twice will definitely solve the problem!"

Xu Youyou was amused. Su Lanxu had successfully cheered her up.

"Let's go, let's go! Don't I still owe you a meal?" Su Lanxu said as she pulled Xu Youyou out of the classroom, "I'll book a private room. Let's order a king crab as well! We need to celebrate!"

"Celebrate what?" Xu Youyou looked at Su Lanxu suspiciously.

"Celebrate your love for Mo Shenbai! Celebrate the rise of your standard in choosing a partner! Who cares? Let's just celebrate!"

Xu Youyou: "..."

'Actually, you're just looking for an excuse to have a big meal, right?'