A Wise Person Doesn’t Fall in Love, Only Fools Rush to Fall In Love

"That, that has nothing to do with this," Xu Youyou retorted in a slightly hoarse voice, "Liking someone has nothing to do with intelligence!"

'Moreover, I no longer like him…'

Mo Shenbai plugged the hair dryer in before he said coldly, "Have you not heard that a wise person doesn't fall in love?"

Xu Youyou set her cup down and said, "I have. I also know the full saying is 'A wise person doesn't fall in love, only fools rush to fall in love."

When Xu Youyou met Mo Shenbai's gaze, her heart skipped a beat. She realized she had gotten carried away. She lowered her gaze and said softly, "Who hasn't fallen in love with a few scumbags when they were young?"

Upon hearing her words, Mo Shenbai laughed before he asked, "A few scumbags? How many scumbags have you met?"

"Just one," Xu Youyou replied immediately.

"Come here," Mo Shenbai said, beckoning her over. He no longer wanted to talk about such an unpleasant topic.