After Hugging Him a Few More Times, You'll Be In a Relationship

Xu Jialu's office was huge, but it was extremely messy. Snacks littered his couch and coffee table. A few coats were strewn all over the place, and his desk was piled up with documents. It was a stark contrast to Mo Shenbai's tidy office.

Xu Jialu said innocently, "I was busy with a huge project recently so I'd been staying in the office every day. I didn't have time to tidy up."

Xu Youyou frowned as she said knowingly, "The company has cleaning staff, right?"

"The technology department is the core department of the company. How can we simply let people in?" Xu Jialu said as he raised his chin and put his arm around Xu Youyou's shoulder, "It's okay. I'll clean it up later."

As soon as Xu Jialu finished speaking, one of his subordinates called him. He told Xu Youyou to take a seat before he left and that he would be back soon.