Since Both of You Have Deep Affections, I Won't Interfere

When Xu Youyou heard the words 'first side mission, she asked anxiously, "What's wrong? Did something happen to my brother?"

The staff member explained through the walkie-talkie, "No, the player is fine. I just need both of you to come over for a moment. I'm sorry for the trouble."

Upon hearing that Xu Jialu was fine, Xu Youyou sighed in relief. "Alright. We'll come over immediately."

The staff member had already opened the door to the secret room of the first side mission. Although the lights were one, they were rather dim.

When the staff member saw Xu Youyou and Mo Shenbai, he looked as though he had seen his savior. He hurriedly said, "The player is probably too frightened so he can't hear anything we say. Can you please tell him to let go of our actor?"