Xu Youyou, Do You Want My First Kiss?

"Xu Youyou, do you want my first kiss?"


Xu Youyou was puzzled; she did not understand Mo Shenbai's meaning.

Mo Shenbai held her chin and lowered his head before he pressed his lips against her soft pink lips.


Xu Youyou's eyes widened. Her mind went blank, and buzzing noise rang in her ears persistently. She was completely dumbstruck.

Mo Shenbai closed his eyes. He seemed to be dissatisfied with her lack of response and deliberately deepened the kiss.

When Xu Youyou regained her senses, she closed her eyes as well and responded to him tentatively.

Their breaths intertwined as their lips moved against each other. At this moment, it felt like electric current was coursing through their veins. It felt as though their hearts were connected.

Xu Youyou felt an indescribable sweetness overflowing from her heart.