Why Does My Woman Have to Make Do With It?

Xu Youyou quickly declined Mo Shenbai's offer; she did not want to trouble him. "No need, no need. I'll only be here for a few days so I'll make do with it."

The man on the other end of the line was silent for a moment. Then, he said, "But I don't want you to make do with it."

'Why does my woman have to make do with it?'

Xu Youyou's heart pounded loudly in her chest, and her ears grew hot. She was the one who was supposed to pursue him, but why did it feel like it was the other way around? After a moment, she said, "There's really no need. I'll be back very soon."

Xu Youyou felt a wave of sweetness in her heart. His words instantly made her feel like this place was not that bad.

Seeing her firm attitude, Mo Shenbai no longer insisted. Nonetheless, he was still very worried. "Let me have a look at the place you're staying in?"

Xu Youyou hesitated for a moment before she said, "Wait a moment. I'll call you again."