That's My Birthday Present to You Last Year

Lin Huai looked around and asked, "Where's Youyou?"

Old Madam Xu smiled and replied, "Unfortunately, she's not feeling well so she's resting."

In other words, Old Madam Xu did not intend to call Xu Youyou down.

Lin Huai was at a loss. When he saw Wang Xiaohui was about to lose her temper, he quickly stopped her and said, "The weather has been cold recently. It's easy to fall sick. Especially for young people who don't dress warm enough because they want to dress prettily."

Old Madam Xu only smiled and did not reply.

Lin Huai turned to look at Lin Zhihuan, who was standing next to him, before he asked in a deep voice, "Why aren't you apologizing to Grandma Xu, Uncle Xu, and Aunty Cheng?"