Love Slave

"These are imported coffee beans. In the entire company, only our pantry has them," Yao Yao explained.

"Even the IT department doesn't have them?" Xu Youyou asked curiously.

Yao Yao shook her head. "That's why Mr. Xu often comes up to get his coffee from here. Every time he finishes his coffee, he'll scold Chairman Mo for being a stingy capitalist."

Due to the high-quality coffee beans, the pantry on this floor consumed twice as much coffee compared to the other pantries.

"Then, help me make another cup of coffee. I'll send it to my brother," Xu Youyou said. Her brother was quite exhausted from dealing with their grandmother's funeral over the past few days. He would be very happy if she sent him a cup of coffee. Perhaps, she had said that Mo Shenbai was the best in the world, she felt a little guilty and sorry toward her brother. Mo Shenbai was very good, but so was her brother. In her heart, there was no way she could say one was better than the other.