There’s Nothing Wrong With Liking Someone

Xu Youyou panicked when she saw Su Lanxu crying. "Lanlan, what's wrong? Don't cry, don't cry…"

Xu Youyou quickly wiped the tears off Su Lanxu's face. Suddenly, a thought flashed in her mind. She paused as she looked at Su Lanxu in disbelief and asked, "Lanlan, you… Do you like my… my brother?"

Su Lanxu did not deny it. Instead, she turned to the side and silently wiped her tears away.

Xu Youyou was dumbstruck. For a moment, she did not know what to say.

For so many years, Su Lanxu and Xu Jialu would bicker whenever they met. Neither of them seemed to like each other. Sometimes when they argued, they would even block each other on WeChat.

In the beginning, Xu Youyou would often play the role of peacemaker, but later, she realized there was no need to mediate. In the end, they would add each other on WeChat again. She also grew numb to their endless bickering.