I Scared You

Mo Shenbai knew he had to give Xu Youyou a reasonable reason for asking her not to see Fu Jianchen again. However, when he thought of those people and those things, sorrow overwhelmed him, causing him to be unable to speak. He only looked at her silently for a long time with a pair of sad eyes. He truly did not know how to give voice to the thoughts in his heart.

Seeing Mo Shenbai's silence, Xu Youyou did not ask any more questions. She only said softly, "I can only promise you that I won't take the initiative to look for him. I can't control it if I run into him or if he comes looking for me. You can't get angry at me for something that I have no control over."

Mo Shenbai seemed stunned by her answer. He asked, surprised, "You agree?"

Xu Youyou nodded. "Yes."

Some kind of emotion hit Mo Shenbai's heart, softening it. A hint of warmth finally appeared in his eyes as he said, "You agreed without even knowing the reason…"