Who Wants You to Let Go?

Qin Siyu recovered quickly. She asked, displeased, "What are you doing here?"

Bo Qi did not reply to her. Instead, he looked at the shop for a moment before he asked, "Is this what you've been doing after you left me?"

"What does it have to do with you?" Qin Siyu asked. She could hear the derision hidden in Bo Qi's casual tone.

Bo Qi looked at her mockingly and asked, "What about that old man at my club? Is this all he's capable of? He couldn't even afford to rent a decent shop for you?"

"That's right. He's pitiful and poor. He's not as rich and overbearing as you," Qin Siyu said, not wanting to bother with him. When she liked him, she thought he was good in every aspect. She thought he was handsome and decent. Now that she did not like him, she could not stand the sight of him. He was not as handsome or as tall as Mo Shenbai, but he was unbearably arrogant.

"Thank you," Bo Qi said, pretending he did not hear the sarcasm in her tone.