Showing Off Their Love

Because Mo Shenbai was coming, Qin Siyu asked the waiter to bring an extra set of chopsticks and a bowl.

Mo Shenbai arrived very quickly. The meat was sizzling on the barbecue tray when he walked in wearing a navy suit. He did not sit down immediately, but he removed his winter coat first and placed it on the back of the chair. Then, he pulled the chair out and finally sat down.

Xu Youyou handed him a wet towel to wipe his hands before she said, "You've worked hard today."

Mo Shenbai turned to look at her with a gentle gaze and said, "It's not hard."

As soon as he saw her, his fatigue was immediately swept away.

Qin Siyu coughed light before gently reminding him, "The roasted meat is ready. You can eat now."

'There's still a single person here! Please don't rub my face in your love!'

Only then did Mo Shenbai raise his head to look at Qin Siyu. He said tonelessly, "Thank you."