Pampering his wife as much as his life (1)

Bo Qi's breathing stopped and he immediately shook off the hand holding her. He took a step back, his eyes filled with complicated emotions.

"You're so silly!"

Qin Siyu raised her pretty face and said with a coquettish look, " "Little President Bo, are you shy?"

Shy your sister! Bo Qi was roaring in his heart, but when faced with the woman's flirtatious look, his emotions were complicated.

On the one hand, he hated that she was no longer the person he liked. On the other hand, he could not help but be aroused by her.

This woman was really poisonous.

Qin Siyu maintained a charming smile on her face, but she was cursing in her heart.

Dogs don't want to get lost?

Did he really change his taste?

Bo Qi wanted to turn around and leave, but his rationality had lost to his emotions. He took a step forward, cupped her face, and lowered his head to kiss her.

Qin Siyu was stunned (ω Ω)

Damn, his taste has really changed!